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求金太阳全国大联考2011 届高三第三次联考 strawberry是什么意思? Strawberry怎么读, How can I wake up so early?--- Set the alarm at 5:00 am,_ you will make it.A.and B.but C.or D.so请问这个句子怎么翻译,才能体现出and表并列,为什么要选and how can i wake up so early?she the alarm at 5 o'clock ,_you wiill make it 这句话怎么翻译 he sets the alarm( ) he will wake up at 5 o clock,写原因, wash one*s face (是英语单词)是什么意思 关关雎鸠,在河之舟;窈窕淑女,君子好逑.请问其出处?请说出全文! Don't wake she up until 8 o'clock中有一处错误,在哪?怎么订正 改错题1.Don't wake she up until 8 o'clock Don't wake up her 与Don't wake her up 哪个正确?要理由, 麻烦将几句中文换成英文,急谢谢你的忠告,不过你的问题来自1991年那天晚上大量的国外精品AV.玩笑,请别介意,虽然我们的年纪差了20岁,但我还是不自觉的把你当成只大我两三岁的哥哥,有时语 请问你有北师大版高中英语的录音么?有的话回我,我开问题给你分 抒持的近义词是什么啊 第一题先行词为什么在句中作状语,这是怎么看出来的?下面这句话谓语动词为什么用单数?when and where不是应该用复数吗? 七年级开学了的语文周记 21.单选23.划横线的部分是什么意思 21 为何 不能A?其实我觉得AB都差不多。都读得通。 many people enjoy sports by watching others play.1,为什么用others?another呢?2,play在这里是什么? 1.What`s made you so upset____my mobile phone in the marketA.lose B.losing2.Attention must be paid to ____the jewelry shopA.prevent B.preventing3.At the lecture ,we are asked not to speak until____A.being spoken to B.spoken C.spoken D.SPEAKING TO4.__ batman and joker is 90 minutes long保持原句意思要用上last(持续)The __of Batman and joker __90 minutes David Brown哪个是the last name ____ the same classes each day,we have six classes,and____is 56 minutes long 语文周记7篇谁有关于暑假的7篇周记啊!有的快点给我哈、随便哪种类型的,250字-300字就行了啊! 春潮带雨晚来急 野渡无人舟自横的好处 春潮带雨晚来急 野渡无人舟自横的好处这两句诗好在哪里? 英语求翻译:I'm waking up,I need silk touch Don't touch the sleeping tiger ,If he woke up,he____youA would come toB would come atC would have come to wardD will come to with的复合结构与独立主格 I'd rather give up forever for a touch of her lips!中文这句话的中文意思是啥呀! 《春夜洛城闻笛》这一首诗中“散入春风满洛城”用了什么修辞手法?有什么作用? touch screen to speed up 散入春风满洛城运用了_____的修辞手法,其表达效果是__________________. The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport .”detectives”没加冠词?我在背课文名词detectives应加the ,为什么没加?