
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:29:16
In other's eyes black is dark ,but in my eyes is romantic. 黄豆的生长环境.嗯,黄豆芽在土里长得快还是泡在水里长得快?求大侠解答我们科学老师说土里和水里都有黄豆芽发芽必需的营养物质,那到底黄豆芽种哪里会长得快一点的?我今年初一,我想用 现在想探究木块和铁块的下表面哪个更粗糙,请你只利用一个量程满足实验要求的弹簧测力计,设计一个实验来验证你的猜想.写出实验步骤、现象和结论.图在SOSO那 同一水平面上放有等大的长方体木块和铁块各一个.请你利用一个量程满足实验要求的弹簧测力计,设计一个探究木块和铁块哪个下表面更粗糙的实验? 给你一只弹簧测力计,一个木块,几支铅笔,请你设计一个小实验,验证在相同条件下,滚动摩擦远小于滑动摩擦 我要做一个直流12伏变5伏请各位大老给个电路图...我用7805接了,无负载电压4.95伏,可电流太小,负载电压2.7伏,一个led灯都不亮,请各位大老想想办法,MC7805CTNLHB237这是我的7805型号请大佬们看看行 如何修理帐篷破损玻璃纤维帐杆 You're my fire the one desire,but we're two world apart that I can't reach to your 帐篷挂杆式和穿杆式的哪个好? 户外帐篷铝杆好还是玻杆好我觉得不管是铝的还是玻璃的质量好才是硬道理, 怎么测试玻璃纤维杆? have/take a drop in什么意思? 请问drop drop-out switch什么意思? I will be good you have to take You have to wait for hours for the plane to take off.请翻译一下 I'm Death.I have come to take you off me.为什么这里要用介词off呢 you have to get there early and wait h()for the plane to take off and it is often late根据首字母写词 at front of,at the front of,和in front of,in the front of四者之间有什么区别和联系 英语翻译状从?or... 怎么翻译这句话的意思?I am on your left,leaning www.crmcn.cn your left shoulder 英语翻译如果有相同意思不过更好的可以替换的也说下 didn't you drop it out of the car 读识光控电子开关电路 青春山大 励志起航 用英语怎么说 what do you think is the real challenge of studying at college What do you think of the english college entrance examinatian?该句怎么回答?急急—————————————————————————— have Friday afternoons offSome students should be allowed to have Friday afternoon off to volunteer and help others.off 是什么词性,在句中作什么成分? 英语情景对话 1.why do you choose this university and what do you think of you major?两人一组,每人大概6、7句.3到4分钟,每人十几句。太少啦……………… have Friday afternoons off与have Friday afternoon off有什么不同? 是have a Friday afternoons off.还是have a Friday afternoon off.?要加S吗?那 have Friday afternoons off 对吗?