
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:04:18
初三牛津英语词组. 牛津英语小学 如果单词里出现了就不要再发了 连词成句it,English,does,say,in,he(?)这道题我觉得好奇怪 Please say it in English.可用speak吗? 当我到家时,我妈妈在厨房做饭.my mom was ____ dinner in the ____ when l got home迈克总是喜欢睡觉.mike always likes _____ _____,昨天这个时候我在理发.l ____ ____ ____ this time yesterday. 求首字母是元音的水果英文单词,越多越好~ be动词 过去式 过去时 现在时 be ←英语解释中的be 7.When the injured _______ to the hospital ,they came to ________.A was rushed ; life B.were ru为什么要选B .A was rushed ; life B.were rushed ; life C.rushed ; lives D.were rushed ; lives The injured men were sent to a nearby hospital .为什么不能用near? This idea sounds good为什么填good不填well The song sounds( )是填good还是well. They sent the injured to hospital. 把间接宾语和直接宾语互换 They sent the injured to hospital.他们把伤员送到医院.这个句子的宾语是什么. 连词成句:in,what,is,holiday,it,English The music sounds good.的句式结构. the music sounds so good that i want to r___ it from the radio gh与th在英语单词里的各种发音情况 字母最少的英语单词是哪个. When he come to,be found himself___in the hospitalA layingB layC lie D lying They play on the sands for an hour,and when they returned they found their goods were stolen.问:sand 为什么要加s?It`s bad manners to speak with your mouth full of food.问:这里为什么用manners 而不用manner? 英语翻译Americans and FoodAn unusual but timely cartoon recently appeared in the local newspaper.The single panel showed a gravel-pit operation with piles of raw earth and large cranes.Next to one of the cranes stood the owner of the gravel pit 英语翻译Does your mother know how much you appreciate her?Well,Mother’s Day is the time to show her.It’s a chance to say ‘thank you’,or to tell your mum how much you love her.In Britain,Mother’s Day,or Mothering Sunday,falls on a differ 改反意疑问句~Everyone is here,____ ____.Everything is ready,_____ ______. These volunteers have little nursing experience,have they?这句里“have they”是不是错了?是不是要用“do they”? 关于反意疑问句NO.1Nothing is in it.NO.2The boy hardly ever eats apples. When do you came to China? when you came to china中哪个是主语 Tom wanted to know where he could buy a pair of jeans cheaply.(改为简单句)Tom wanted to know ( )( )buy apair ofjeans cheaply. 英语吖..He is a person who isn’t quite easy __________________________.(与...相处)My father _____(生..的气)me for several days.______(令我们惊讶的是),we were allowed to anter the .....后面都没有人称..怎么用with s 英语帮帮吖..完成句子,使改写后的句子完整,并与原句意思相符 1.My parents don't allow me to get my ears pierced.I ______ ________ ________to get my ears pierced.2.His daughter has decided to buy a camera.His daughter has _______ I don't know where I can go today.改为同义句 同义句转换:I don’t know where I can go.I don’t know ___ ___ ___.