
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 09:29:43
my grandpa usually takes his dog for a walk in the evening.改为同义句是改同义句、 有没有文明的中国人的事例? I'll never____you for what you have done wrong to your parentsAexcuse Bpardon Csay sorry to Dforgive I'll never forgive you for what you have done wrong to your parents.这里为什么要用for what?用becaus用I'll never forgive you because what you have done wrong to your parents.这样行不?为什么一定要用for 这个介词?or连词?这句 英语翻译个人英语白菜 希望能帮忙解决下 圆我下消源 定高分相报…… he asked Tom whether he had finished his homework这是对的he asked Tom whether he had finished his homework 这是对的那么 he asked Tom if he had finished homework 哪里错了 whether 与if 不是都有是否的意思吗 On weekends,I often___ with my dog.A walk a pet dog.B walk dog.C walk pet dog.说明原因单项选择 哪个是正确的额?完整回答者采纳. Tom must finished his homework before dinner.对finished his homework 划线提问 英语翻译 He asked Tom if he had finished homework.对奥妙帮忙说明理由与He asked Tom whether he had finished his homework.有什么不同 chinese是不是可数名词 大学英语演讲比赛一分钟自我陈述帮我多找几个吧,我要参考一下 大学英语演讲比赛,主题是竞争与合作,然后有一个提问环节,你觉得会问什么呢~rt 刚注册的号,也只有这么多了 我怎样才能在大学英语演讲比赛中得奖,什么样的话题比较好掌握? 高二英语下是第几册··急`````````. 一点点也好 Are we about to have dinner YES ,it____in the dining room right now .A.is serving B.is being served C.has been served D.serves答案选B我选A, 八年级语文暑假生活50天的完整答案有没有啊 急需! 回答者有奖励求求各位了! 某人快来,密下我 1.填上合适的词语严冬( ),山明水秀;艳春( ),鸟语花香雪里梅花( )烂漫;霜间竹叶( )玲珑2.某列车长曾为乘客不肯随手关门大伤脑筋,于是在每节车厢里贴了一告示:“为了大家的舒适,请随手 高二英语题 拜托各位英语高手分析一下1.I will not attend my classmate‘s birthday unless (invited)为什么不是being invited啊?2.Each time he speaks of Beijing ,he talks as if he had been there,but he has never been there.这 暑假生活50天答案语文(8年级)帮忙找一 下暑假生活50天答案语文(8年级语文)谢谢很急 用所给单词的适当形式填空Center Park is a good place _____(play) the guitar 大学英语演讲比赛 救救吧非常荣幸可以参加这次英语口语比赛 现在请允许我介绍一下自己 我的名字叫!来自护理一班 就像你看到的一样 我不高有一点胖 体现活泼喜欢音乐电影 大概五分钟 求演讲比赛自我介绍技巧!都来说说~ 高二英语关于名词性从句的几个问题用that,what,whether,if,how填空1.________she was chosen made us very happy.我填的是What,答案是That,为什么?she was chosen不是没有主语吗?用What来指代应该没问题吧?2.Ask him____ if you argue with your parents you are s___to say sorry first 我要参加演讲比赛,要注意些什么? 演讲比赛应注意哪些问题? 演讲比赛有什么需要注意的吗 改错It was until recently people have known the truth of the matterenter the competition is my joy单句翻译(表示意愿和计划句型练习)如果我拿到国外大学的奖学金,我要买一台属于自己的电脑我计划明天去北