
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:30:27
What has a body and a neck but no leg? Do you know the man ---- is standing in front of our classroom?A.whichB.whoC.whoseD.what 在一个腰长为20cm的等腰直角三角行铁皮的内部截取一个矩形,则矩形的最大面积为 cm 王师傅在一个等腰直角三角形钢板上截下三个扇形.已知三角形的腰长是20cm,求剩余部分(阴影部分)的面积. 求一部英文名字的日本动漫?以前看的~忘了叫什么名字了~是魔法系列的~有两个女主角~都有魔法杖(法杖还会说话)~其中一个女主的法杖还能当食物吃.~是白色的~.说的有点不清楚~有米有人 有什么女孩子特别喜欢看的英文名字的日本动画? What has a neck,but no head?(猜一物品) what has a neck,but no head Do you know__man standing under the tree?Yes,he is __popular singer in China.A.a,the B.your,hersDo you know__man standing under the tree?Yes,he is __popular singer in China.A.a,the B.your,hersC.you,hers D.your,her 这女的叫什么名字,英文名字是什么,日本的 6月30日黄金一百秒里那个女生唱的英文歌叫什么名字 7月18日的冲上云霄2 片尾曲(英文歌)是什么名字?就是昨天晚上胡杏儿出场,然后电视剧就结束播歌播的那首英文歌 what has a neck but no throat 为什么长方形的长一定,周长和宽就成反比例?请写明原因. l believe _____,because he is ___ honest man. A.the words he says ;a B.what he says ;anC.he says what ;theD.what does he say ;an We believe what Tom says because he is very _____.A.honest.B.funny.C.clever D.helpful 用“我是中国人”开头造句我是中国人--... 我骄傲我是中国人造句以“我骄傲我是中国人”造句 Every man is not honest.并非每个人都诚实.为什么every+not 是部分否定?想不通额 not every male is ture man ,not every ture man named springbrother Every man dies,not every man really lives Every man dies,Not every man really lives. 造句:幸福是_________________的__用古诗 珍爱生命 有没有in north China或in north of China的说法? i believe what he says,为什么不是i believe what does he say Don't believe what he says.这是什么句型,为什么what后是陈述句,不用疑问句型 Do you believe what he says?Suffering pain was that they lived an asexual life,including sexual dysfunction.The wife always carp at her husband and has a quarrel with him about household affairs. 开头用宛如造句一句话快 珍爱生命是什么品德书上的 That man _______ be Mary's father because he is much taller.A.can B.must C.can't D.mustn't请问B为什么不可以? We all enjoy the film Lost in Thailand,because it is much_(interesting).用所给单词的适当形式填空