
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 11:31:22
已知,三角形abc中,点d,e,f分别在三边上,e为ac中点,ad,be,cf交于点g,bd=2dc,s△gec=3,s△dgc=4求s△abc 沉迷英文怎么说? 沉迷的英语怎么说请翻译 沉迷英语怎样写 250*255 是大H钢还是小H型钢?250*250*9*14 I have recieved a e-fax from the Immigration Department of Hong Kong这句话写得对不对? 乙醇汽油干燥器特点是什么? Altium Designer Summer 09怎么全局修改 怎样写学期总结 学期总结怎么写?我学的是幼师 Canada’s immigration policy求加拿大现行immigration policy 翻译下in lower canada,immigration and colonial rule threatened French culture. Can I see them I have ( ).I can lesten and hear them. 学地质能从事古生物研究工作吗 四年级上半学期自我总结 大陆漂移学说的主要依据是大西洋西岸的 A气候相似 B大陆形状相似 C地质构造相同 D古生物相似 the Department of Economics and Business怎么翻译 四年级一学期的总结报告怎么写 he works in finance department of large companya the ab a thec a a 填空:_,Tom,Thebus is coming!Please walk on the pavement. 学期总结怎么写?真快疯了!越忙越来事~班sir让我写学期总结 可我会说、能做就不会写!(不好意思地说一下我是团支部书记*^^*) 怎么写学期总结 学期小结怎么写?本学期我们进行了成考以及实习操作. department of health&human services 英语翻译The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) late this year released its new Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans,calling for adults between the ages of 18 and 64 to exercise moderately (such as brisk walking or water aerobics) 美国HHS(Health and Human Services)中有个Debarring Official应该怎么翻译? 在h2,co2,h2o,cl2分子中属于极性分子的是?元素周期表中同一周期各元素原子?相同 2摩尔h2含有?个氢分子 英语翻译英语小白 求赐教! new york state department of financial services是什么意思 用动词填空 Tom,__(not walk) on the grass.The geese __(catch) the fish now.My grandma __(watch) TV every day.His parents___ (go) to beijing last week. 用动词的适当形式填空 Tom,_(not walk)onthe grass.