
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:30:21
Need做行为动词修饰什么快快 think是动词吗?need是动词吗? Most women liked going out _____ hats on their heads in England in 19th century. Jhon Snow was so well-known a physician in London in the 19th century as to help ordinary peopleexposed to cholera which was the deadly disease of its day.请问这个句子中的exposed是什么用法 我国“两会”用英语怎么说? 请问 广州市基督教两会 英语怎么说? 用英语解释下列句子.What does maple leaf represent? what does "established" represent in this sentenceWe are a well established company dealing in all kinds of electrical products -lightning and cables.in the above sentence,is "established" necessary?what's the meaning of its exist. what need does this situation represent for me? How are you? I'm here in England____ (write) to you 1.( )you live here now?2.I have got( )friend from England.3.Please write to( )4.He can ( )a bike.5.They are ( )America.6.Do you want( )her pen friend?7.Does she like( 8.My brother can ( )some English.9.—Can she play th different color represent what各种颜色有什么含义~要英文的~罗列或文章都可~ 英语中的thinking,thought(两个都是名词)用法有何区别 thinking n.和thought n.有什么不同?请举例比较. 英语中的thinking,thought有何区别 1.他只是在向孩子们介绍白杨树吗?不是的,他也在表白着自己的心.(把两句话改写成一句话)2.谁能否定改革开放给祖国带来的翻天覆地的变化呢?(改为陈述句)3.天空撒满了星星.(扩句) :Your language teacher looks a rather kind woman.:But in fact she is cold and hard on us .You ______believe it.a.shouldn't b.wouldn't请问a怎么不行呢?你不应该相信它 不就选a么? ---Your language teacher looks a rather kind man .---But in fact he is cold and hard on us.You ___believe it!A.shouldn'tB.wouldn't请问选什么,为什么 请问“thought”和“thinking”有什么不同? need后要接什么 need的形式我看到书上说need有两种形式,普通动词和情态动词.情态动词的need后接动词原形,另一种直接当动词.详见新概念英语2册第41课课文注释. need后常接的动名词 别人说"你跑堂了" 中的跑堂是撒意思 Lady luck,be kind 看很多国外电影,当有人求好运比如扔骰子、开奖券,或者开启宝箱之前经常念叨这么一句话.求高人给一个准确点的解释. 你跑堂了, 网络上现在流行跑堂一词.是什么意思?无聊的 ..乡下人 . 潮汕话的“跑堂”是什么意思?如题 take of 的短语 But on the following day in came Amos,staggering beneath the weight of a brand-new video.这句话的意思是 “可第二天当艾莫斯回来时,他摇摇晃晃地搬着一台全新的录像机”staggering beneath the weight这句该怎么翻译 need作行为动词有被动吗?sb be needed有吗 Now most people want to speak a foreign language.Every year millions of people start learning-----.A.them B.this C,that D.it the boy could t find his mother and ——(cry)用cry的正确形式填空