
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:32:15
请问下面的英语的内容是什么意思I always waiting for you "pig" believe me, She always stands in the winds waiting for you back from school.为什么waiting要用ing形式? When happiness knock my When happiness knock my door 急!1、I found my little brother ____(sleep) when I opened the door.2、I didn't sleep _______ last night,I feel tired now.A、good B、nice C、fine D、well 3、I can't stop smoking.For your health,Mr.Wang,I 'm afraid you _______.A、can B、 find your home的中文意思是什么?快 can you find the way to your home?是什么意思,怎么回答.快·```````` If you are lost ,you can use it to find your way home.的意思 求以“What I'd like to say to my parents ”为题写一篇英语作文运用以下词组:worry about 、 regard as 、grow up 、 be stressed 、 be proud of 、 be thankful 、 need more freedom 、 be happy80-100字 英语提 1.She welcomed us with a big s_____ yesterday morning2.Her questions are______(about/for)friends and lessons3.When Paul didn't get something from his mother,crying always____(help/helped)4.Only water can make the people in Yunnan_____(happy 1 she writes carefully,her h____is the most beautiful in our class2 HE o___a bookshop on the other sida of the street3 my favourite subject is p____at school because it‘s very interesting4 lucy is wy table tennis p___she plays better then me 5 we a see you,In my heart,I love you,forever.waiting for you,please翻译成中文意思, What I'd like tp say to my parents At last the headmaster (_)宣布 Class Three was first.括号里填什么 英语作文:l'd like to say "goodbye" to ______嗯,我想写我想和放弃说再见,谁帮我想一下、然后内容里要写到和放弃说再见以后的感觉,谁能再帮我想一下这个内容、、、谢谢大家啦! How is the weather in your hometown I believe you will be good to me 这些系动词后常跟形容词或名词做表语,构成什么结构 The English class begins at 8:00.要求:对划线部分at 8:00;注意:不能写What time daes the English class begin.(举手之劳,对划线部分提问 The ___ class starts at 9:00 am.这是一道选择题.供给选择的答案有:A.last B.one C.first D.two说明原因 对划线部分提问 The class begins at 10:00. 最早的汉字是谁创造的? What is the climate like in your hometown?这个问题怎么回答 作文what is the climate in hometown(70单词)最好优美点的 We have our PE class in the g_____.Don't talk l_____ in the classroom.Everyone is studying. first,we have the seed We usually have ( )in the gym class. We are going to have an exam _____.A:in the class B:in a class C:at the class D:in class We have four (class)in the morning. lake name cat a的发音不同的是什么 van,gas,as,fashion这四个单词的a共有几种读音 怎样记英语记得牢和快一楼的:你的方法你用过吗,是指把小纸条放在手里多看吧. 英语怎样记才快,才牢!