
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:51:59
the two dresses ----pretty.they--great on you.I like----(a.are both,look both,both of them,b.both a 补全英语对话A:Who is your best friend,Connie?B:Helen.A:Why?B:Because she likes to do the same things as I do.(1)____________.A:Are you good at drawing,but I think (2)_______ than me.A:(3)________________?B:No,I'm not.She's more popular than me. 英语补全对话A:Jack,what are you doing?B:I ___ ___ my homework.A:Do you want to go to the movies?B:Oh,sorry.I have much ___ to do.A:What about Mary,___ she ___ her homework?B:No,she isn’t.She’s ___ TV.You can ask her to go with you.A:OK.Mary 补全对话!(英语的)A:Good afternoon,Tom.B:Good afternoon,Lucy.Nice_____see you here.A:I_____to this neighbourhood last Monday.B:_____to my neighhourhood.A:Thank you._____ the way,I want to_____ some food for supper.Where is the grocery shop? 补全对话.英语A:_____me,Mary.______these your pencils?B:_____,they are Helen's.A:And_____this her eraser?b:no,it___.It's Dale's.A:what____this ruler?B:It's Cindy's.And the pen is ____,too.A:And the dictionary?Is that yours?B:Yes,it's_____.A:Than can you see ( ) books on the teacher's desk?括号里塡some还是any 求英文同音词例如:李Lee 宏Hom 那么可以告诉我:润,张,东,南,陈,可,敦的同音词吗? 英语 补全对话在下面对话的空白处填上适合的单词,使对话意思完整、通顺.每空限一词.A:You shouldn't join the Lions right now. B: Why 1.?A: If you become a professional soccer 2. ,you'll never go to college.B: 3. I rea I LIKE to read english.变一般疑问句 答句 改为一般疑问句We like maths,并分别作肯定回答和否定回答 the girl____(need) our help,she just____(need) think it more carefully.填doesn't need ; needs to 为什么 现在在高二理科班,我们在上新内容,到高三时复习高一所学知识跟不上怎么办? we need two bananas to make fruit salad 变为否定句 i need (two bananas ,some yogurt and milk) to make a bananas milk shake对大括号部分提问( ) you ( ) to make a banana mike shake we all need help hiding the darkest truths of our lives.中need help hiding 是什么语法点啊?need help..是什么语法吗?help doing/to do..我知道可是不知道need help...是什么? How many ingredients does Henry need at least to make feuit smoothie?意思 7Mary thought ___interesting to make a banana smoothie.A thisB thatC itD its 高一和高二上学期都没有听过数学课,已经高二下学期了!我要怎么提高? the sick and the ____(age) need our help 的手抄报,可以出什么内容?如题,不要给我什么手抄报的做法,手抄报我出了不下10份了,不要给我讲这种废话.还有,内容不要是什么关于暑假你做了什么有趣的事...就这些了,占的版块最好能够稍 我现在高二了,高一的时候数学课没怎么听,请问现在数学成绩还能上去么 They need our help badly at the moment,____?A.needn't they B.need they C.don't they D.do they 我很有兴趣,就是记不到前面的公式,而公式有太多了 完形填空 The b▁▁can’t see anything and they need our help 关于语文快乐暑假手抄报的内容 they said they didn't need any help.(同义句)they said they _____ _____ help. They need some help,________ they?A.don't B.needn't C.do D.need 高二.想考二本.英语和数学零基础.200多分.我该怎么学?本人特点.记忆力强.不怕吃苦.没毅力.粗心.求各位大大支招.谢谢哇文科.可偶该肿么学哇 英语还考80几分的我该怎么办才能在高二结束时考120左右?平时我大都在完形填空、改错和阅读理解上丢分 我的英语从初中就很差(几乎没学到)现在准高二了,想考二本学还来得及不数学也很差. we need you _(help) our studentscan you tell _(they) stories 学英语的同学,求一个软件,我自己输入生词,进行听写的时候,软件可以读出来生词,然后我写.类似于听力