
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:40:19
连词成句:in,the,what,you,see,picture,can. What others can you see in the picture?----Some oranges.考试卷上的 Best wishes 和 Best regards 有什么区别? what ( )can you see in the picture?A、something B、other C、the other D、else填入括号A 为什么? best wish与best wishes的区别 You can see a desk,a chair and a clock in the picture.And what can you see in it?改错 上面的句子错了一处. 说说下面谚语的含义众人拾柴火焰高.世上无难事,只怕有心人.滴水能把石穿透,万事功到自然成.虚心万事能成,自满十事九空. 谁给我解释清楚DO DOES的具体用法?people +do or does?比如我想说没有人比它做的更好了 是nobady does it better.为什么不是DO IT BETTER我知道三单 SHE HE IT 用DOES 那 NOBADY 属于什么?属于三单吗?为什么啊 谁能准确说出下列谚语的含义?1)All the roads to Roman.2)Time and tide wait for no man.3)East ,west,home is best.4)Good beginning is half done.5)Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 求一篇关于校园里吸烟的英语作文. 谁写一篇关于抽烟的英语作文…英语 给我一篇呼吁大家不要抽烟的英语作文如题 spring festival lantern festival 春节在元宵节的时候结束 中间填两个单词 Spring Festival finish at lantern Festival的翻译 翻译1.mid-Autumn day 2.lantern festival 妈妈为元宵节准备好了大量的食物.My mother .for Lantern Festival 一篇介绍港口城市青岛的英语作文根据下列要求.50词左右1.位于山东省东部,以蔚蓝的大海,美丽的海滩闻名,是避暑胜地2.每年夏天成千上万世界各地的人来到这里,他们沿海散步,游泳,购物,观 best wishes for everyone 怎么翻译呢? Anyway thanks everyone best wishes for I can see some books on the floor.I can see (some books) on the floor.___ ___ you see on the floor? your best friend's english 急. 英语作文 who is your best friend求英语作文 I,who____ your friend,will try my best to help you with your C.are People in China and England have different C.on D.for We Chinese people have__and__(black;blackly) 妈妈为元宵节准备好了大量的食物.My mother .for Lantern Festival..用来填空 People in China and Europe have different ______ about etiquette.A ideas B langerousC suggestionsD conversations 妈妈为元宵节准备好了大量的食物.My mother .for Lantern Festival..用来填空.初 Chinese people will wear( )( )and have nice food to eat I have some picture books for k___English is f______,All of us like learning English.Do you have a_____ pen pals?Is everyone at school t________?Can you say it i_____ E______?Honey,here's a letter ______you. Is it ______your new pen pai?We often go t I dropped some books yesterday.提问some books best wishes for you