
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:53:12
这样精美的作品,让人赞不绝口.(改为双重否定句) 他们的精彩表演,吸引着成千上万的国内外观众.(改变词序,原意不变,写2个 ) 求会越南语的高手指点下 越南南北口音 有哪些字母的拼音读法一样 那些不一样 有什么区别呢越南南北口音 有哪些字母的拼音读法一样 那些不一样 有什么区别呢 很难分辨 var r = this.onTimeout(this.duration,this);这种错误应该怎么解决?我在用 AJAX + .NET + JAVASCRIPT 做的有关年月日的三级联动,在Default2页面做了三个下拉列表框.相关信息:AJAX组件注册过了,在Webcofig里也添 netherland是哪个国家 关于时差问题 netherland & namibia请问这两个国家和中国的时差差多少?中国是3点的时候着两个国家是几点?这两个国家属于哪个洲?等相关知识. Netherland Holland区别? by this I mean that they do not have the beauty of nature主要是这里的by this 怎么理解 His mother's ,who can tell me what's wrong ?什么意思 能不能用中文翻译过来? asking forI am asking for you 是骂认的吗? asking for 是不是多了个for?Obama's Senate office released a letter he signed,along with the Illinois congressional delegation,asking for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers to help prepare for rising water in thanks for asking.他的同义句是什么?在这句话中asking可以用那一个词代替 We love eating food 【】tastes good.填关联词 自然拼读能解决所有国际音标的发音吗,发音准确吗,如果不准确那为什么外国小孩都学自然拼读呢? We live in a good place ______food and water. we often ()good food on sunday括号部分叫什么 英语翻译准确的机构名称? 英语 这个问题引起了热烈的讨论 The question ()() a lively discussion 求问The question set off a lively discussion为什么不是sets? the speech ( ),a lively discussion started.A being delivered,B be delivered C was delivered D having been delivered.为什么这么选,怎么不是C呢? It takes Jill 10 minutes to take the shower every morning.为什么是to take the shower? 英语翻译麻烦你们了,这是一篇英语短文,我需要它的译文(越快越好,急用!):There was an engineer,manager,and a programmer driving down a steep mountain road.The brakes failed and the car careened down the road out of control.H 英语翻译我叫孙宇鹏.今年13岁.我是一个性格奇怪的男孩,有时很死板,有时很开朗.我喜欢各种运动,每一种都比较精通.同时我也很喜欢看书,特别是我看的书都十分异类,例如中庸、易经、大学 Asking for information or help is a very common and necessary activity这个句子中的句子成分怎样划分 when the bus finally came I___at bus shop for 20 minites 把“asking for information or help is very common and necessary active 翻译成中文 ” ------------information or help is a very common and necessary activity when we visit aforeign country.A to ask Basking Cask for Dasking for When the bus finally came,we all hurried on board.解析翻译 罗开元Keep on Dancin高嘲是什么歌!帮忙找下No authority dont stop下载地址吧,要直能接下的谢谢,记分给你?kugoo我也搜了,没有? on the farms everyone had lots of work to do 翻译成中文 这个句子中的being 做什么成分the government launched a project to construct 1 million wells ,with the only direct cost for villagers being the piping to their home 这个句子怎么划分子句,这里的being 是什么成分呢,该为was