
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:56:07
hei!where are you looking at? ben is 134 cm .liu tao is 125 cm.ben ____ ____ tall ____ liu tao.ben is ____ ____ ____ liu tao. 英语翻译My worry was the level of uncertainty about whether bin Laden was even in the compound.怎么正确的翻译? The two sides have engaged in skirmishes before but none reached such a level and caused even half 求翻译!The two sides have engaged in skirmishes before but none reached such a level and caused even half as much worry.So what is different this ti 汽车发动机中的LEV是什么? 浴巾和毛巾用英语怎么说你能用语音回答吗谢谢 "毛巾"用英语怎么说?要最常用的一种. be it primary-level的用法fine schooling,be it primary-level,secondary-level,has five common characteristicsbe it primary-level是什么用法,是什么语法结构 I lost my pencil case.同意句急急急快一点,马上就用 I must look a______ my things.RT,首字母填空 根据单词的首字母提示补全单词.you can a( )Mary for her photo. you can ( )Mary ( )5351868you can ( )Mary ( )5351868 第五小题:“All the neighbours think the awf第五小题:“All the neighbours think the awful man will move away this week.(划线部份提问)(划线得是move away) You can use the pencil for drawing picture.将 for drawing改成另外两个词. 英语翻译2003年3月20日爆发了伊拉克战争,这是21世纪一场全新样式的现代化战争.此次战争美军凭借其先进的技术装备,并利用电子战,心理战等军事战略,不仅只用44天就取得战争胜利,更在战争 THINK LESS LIVE MOVE The monkey is our favourite animal的同义句, 空乘面试英语自我介绍姓名:张怡萱 年龄:18 主要说明自己喜欢空中乘务,性格开朗,喜欢帮助别人,愿意为别人服务,.不要太长、也不能太短. 英语翻译尊敬的各位评委老师:你们好!我叫xxx,来自xxx,就读于xxx中学,身高1米64,体重50公斤.我平时最喜欢做的事情就是细心照顾各种各样的小动物,和它们在一起能让我感到由衷的开心和快乐. 英语翻译我的名字叫.今年20岁,来自西安.在我看来,空乘并不是简单的服务工作,因为我们面对的是各式各样的人,所以乘务员是在做人的工作——即交流与引导.因为学业的关系,我具有良好的计 考空乘面试时 除了英语自我介绍 还会问哪些英语问题 究竟,有谁会在乎气候变化? .为什么人类不关心气候变化 鱼类的食性是什么不考虑种类特殊的鱼(食人鲳等),大部分鱼的食性是什么?副问:1、燕子属于_____动物 2、呼吸作用产生二氧化碳吗? 3、在与心脏相连的血管中流静脉血的是哪些 His inventions made __ to work at night A.us possible B.it possible C.us impossible D.it impossibl All these noises made__impossibleAll these noises made__impossible for me to go on with the work.A.one B.itC.that D.ths My busy work made i for me to visit my oMy busy work made i for me to visit my old mother quiet often.填什么单词 属于的英语怎么说? 英语翻译 i will be right over after breakfastright 英语翻译Report on the community of hackers who hack to improve security.Discuss whether their actions are responsible or harmful.Also,examine the ways to reduce hacking activities. we discuss the business ______(during/over)breakfast