
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:41:01
If I should disappear,should you be very sad? You should be very friendly___too___the poor.原因? 英语翻译这是"绝望的主妇"第一集里 Mary Alice Young旁白是说Lynette的一句话 那个词组"corporate ladder"指的又是什么啊 if you would disapper,i should be very sad 雨怎么形成的?用英文简述? 雨是怎样形成的用英语表达 an ambitions young man always seems to long for a life of unequalled achievement,but as years pass What I need to do is carry out the plan as arranged.为什么不是carrying而要用carry? 一根细长的弹簧系着一个小球,放在光滑的桌面上,手握小球把弹簧拉长,放手后小球便左右来回运动,B为小球向右到达的最远位置,小球向右经过中间的位置O时开始计时,若测得OA=OC=7cm,AB=3cm,则自 放在水平桌面上的物体M上表面上有一物体m m于M之间有一处于压缩状态的弹簧 如图所示,水平桌面上的轻质弹簧一端固定,另一端与小物块相连.弹簧处于自然长度时物块位于O点(图中未标出).物块的质量为m,物块与桌面间的动摩擦因数为μ.现用水平向右的力将物块 her parents usually (go out to have dinner) on weekends (提问) We usually go to the m______ on weekends 弹簧下有个小球,平衡时弹簧伸长量为d,现用手托住使其不伸长,然后放手,求最大伸长量弹簧下有个小球,平衡时弹簧伸长量为d,现用手托住使其不伸长,然后放手,不计一切摩擦,求弹簧最大伸长 “我喜欢小鸟”的作文400字左右 We usually go to the famous r_____ to eat on weekends come three or not come three你知道的话,估计是苏州人,哈哈come three or not come three翻译的普通话,看你啊翻译的出来 你知道的话,估计是苏州人,哈哈 let our kids experience this classid like it's meant to be enjoyed.---meant to be enjoyed是什么意思 My parents use the computer (every Saturday evening ) 对括号部分提问That's (apictuse of my family)对括号部分提问He is (in front of his parents)对括号部分提问There are five people in my family改为同义句She has got (two)sister come three什么意思 英语text求六年级下新世纪版英语u4l1的text文本...关于体育课的,现在急用! 在英语text中,这些分别代表什么?急用c2ya English IQ Text1.When is a doctor most annoyed?2.How does water get into the watermelon? text in English 表示有文字记载的吗? red hood in the running in the red怎么理解原句是Renting the conference room at the hotel will cost us too much.We’re already running in the red. 这是什么鸟,吃什么 英语翻译这句话是应该翻译为不聪明,不勇敢,但很幽默,还是不聪明,不幽默,也不勇敢?"adventures of Blinkee and Twinkee"是什么书名?》Blinkee和Twinkee这两个人名怎么读呢?ee是发[i: I like the boy.he is not the same as me同义句 the name of与be called的用法需求the name of与be called造句:用陈述句与疑问句.就是用the name of造疑问句与陈述句。再用be called造疑问句与陈述句!谢谢啊!!! called 和 with the name ofDo you know the boy ___ Tom?A.called B.with the name of C.calling说明原因。 冷凝管内的也太氟利昂是如何向上运动之蒸发器