
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:01:48
rent过去式不变还是加ed rent的过去式是rented吗(我所说的rent不是rend的过去式) Do you water the flowers?(用现在进行时改写) …………Do you water the flowers?(用现在进行时改写) Helen meets her cousin at the airport.(用tomorrow改写句答的好,还有悬赏分. They________[not,water]the flowers now【现在进行时】what____you_____[do]now?【现在进行时】 Did you water the flowers?怎么用完整句子回答 我仿佛又看到他那亲切的笑容和洪亮的声音怎么修改病句 中学时代的那些同学的愉快笑容和爽朗的歌声,至今还在我的耳边回响.修改病句 eat 的过去式,过去分词,有谁知道,快!有加分 eat三单现、过去式和过去分词以及现在分词 swim,club还是simming,club 我要买四斤梨四斤梨 英语——————GRAPES. 怎么初读课文 孩子们把课文读的怎么样 如何教学阅读课文 我从来不吃梨用英语怎么说 什么叫讲读课文?什么叫讲读课文?是有星号的还是没有星号的? 我要一篇去《游北京科技馆》的作文 急 急 He likes swimming and he want to join the sports club 找错误 阅读提纲怎么写 读书提纲怎么写 写一件自己读书受益的事提纲明天要交——急! 有报过新东方四级保过班的吗?请问知情者说明一下,包过班真的有用吗? 我目前是大二的学生,想问一下我想暑假8月上新东方的托福班 应该上哪个好呢,我英语水平英语4级500分左右 我大二,英语水平较好.为考四级,如报新东方,报四级强化班还是六级强化班合适?还是自己练练真题就行? 求分享新东方四级的教学视频那雪崩你给我传点看看吧, have been +v.ing是神马意思 怎么用 2118万人 7,692,000平方公里用英语怎么读 求一篇“阅读英语报刊有什么好处”论文,要英文的!advantages of reading English newspaper 请英语强人翻译一句话An amount has been reserved due to either a failed transfer (please contact support in this case) or you have made a withdrawal which is still pending.用软件翻译的就不用了 英语翻译The research runs contrary to widespread expectations that falls in technology stocks will disproportionately affect the north American and UK economies.主句是什么?二楼说的有道理,可是该如何翻译才好呢 英语翻译In the future,Expansion will attract new clients continually to develop global presence,advance strong management team and human resources by investing in employee training to develop their experience,as well as grow gain and become more 英语翻译请翻译It is easy to break oneself against a situation of that sort.并单独解释一下break oneself against.