
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:23:37
Please tell me about distributor in China for that required请翻译下~ 江西最近还会有地震吗? 作文:祝福祖国,感恩奉献如题 把我的心脏带回祖国中,肖邦回首望了望远处的华沙城,想一想,他会说些什么?不要太深奥,最好长一点 奥林匹克英语知识奥林匹克一些主要信息.用英语回答. 求奥林匹克 英语知识! 奥林匹克运动知识 史上最强音乐剧 英文怎么说还有 生离死别怎么译? (我的心情非常棒)用英语怎么说? 他是一个非常棒的司机用英语怎么说我脑袋短路了 thank you for you to tell me that.能这么说么? I forgot to tell you I was GouYe,I forgot to tell you I am GouYe?哪个对 to tell you that I love you 病句吗 I forgot to tell you that I received a letter from Wilson this morning 的意思 ()he your friend yes,he is.补全对话 "日"字谜做成七字字谜? Is Guo Peng your friend?回答是:Yes ,it is.还是回答:Yes ,he is. 走过路过千万不要错过,很简单的问题我现在是每天跑两公里,半个小时左右,其他的没有了,我大约多长时间能够见效,还有就是,我每天跑完以后应该做些什么,防止小腿长肌肉,或者其他什么的, 蜻蜓怎摸组词 We're looking for something that she can wear to the costume party发音的问题这句里面We're looking for something that she can wear to the costume party 当读到that she can的时候,为什么会发出chicken这个单词的音,这是连读吗 who is the boy ___ a costume?A.wears B.wore C.to wear D.wearing 是D吗 Do not,for one repulse,forgot the purpose that you resolved to effort.求翻译 新东方的中级口译教得怎么样? wired 7t92-oglo手表大约多少钱? 去新东方学中级口译去新东方学英语中级口译,需要一个什么样的英语基础,学完之后,英语可以达到一个什么水平呢,有没有去学过的人, WIRED的手表别人从日本回来,送了我一块手表,牌子是WIRED,我想请问这牌子的中文名是什么?表大概能值多钱?中文叫什么么? 有人上过新东方的中级口译吗?好不好啊?还有,昂立怎么样?听说昂立是小班的,通过率高些,是这样吗? 新东方 中级口译您好 我现在上海 打算暑假过后考中口 但假期在北京过 我想问问中口北京的和上海的哪个师资等各方面更好一些? Ben and his wife Susan were on their way to have dinner with their friends.It was a dark,windy night,and they did not know the way very well.They drove through a town,until they found what they thought was the road to Dorling,where their friends live Henry did not tell us A what to do B how to do C how to do next D what to do the next 选什么,为什请说明理由 请问一下杭州新东方中级口译教师是谁? 精工表7T92-0CC0我有一块精工SND221P1表,背面在"SEIKO"下面的号码是680514,有没有人帮忙看看是真还是假的.