
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 17:42:11
酒可分为哪些种类大神们帮帮忙酒大体可分为哪些种类? 英语从星期日到星期六这七天的音标是怎样的? What is that sentence in Chinese?After another year you will have very good English speaking as long as you keep working on it 世界上有多少颗星星 请问这颗是什么星星这几个星期一直有,而且每天都会向右移动我在深圳 I can spell my name.变一般疑问句 I'm s____.I can 't spell your name. 怎样才能不断的完善自我? What is that ( )chinese?Aof b in Cat Don they are a( ) about which movie to see do you know which film they are talking about They are "a-----"(首字母) about which movie to see.怎么填 法律解释分为哪几种? mine,at,is.i,your,can,home,borrow,dictionary 连词成句 mine,at,I,your,could,dictionary,is,please,home,borrow.组成一个句子,怎么写? 法律解释的种类 有哪些? 考取教师资格证需要的普通话水平测试等级证书是多少级?是怎么样的情况啊! 改错题:Sorry and could you lend me your dictionary I have left mine at home.句中只有一处错误。且原题的标点就是如此。 can you lend me your English dictionary?I left ______at home.--surea it b yours c one d mine后面那个sure 在句子中. there are some similarities between Lily and Lucy (同义句)Lily is ___ ___ Lucy in some ways 怎样才能更好的完善自我 谁能告诉我星星有多少? 谁能告诉我这是什么星星?8月14号晚上十二点多的时候睡不着到外边抽烟,那天天气特别好.抬头看到了南天上部有一颗非常非常明亮的星星,应该是颗零等星,在天空中非常醒目,而且观察到星星 谁能告诉我星星在哪里? Can I ------ your dictionary for a minute? I left mine at home.用borrow 还是keep?为什么答案给的是borrow -Do you know the t_ -Yes,they are Dabao and Xiaobao A:Do you know all of your new classmates w__1__?B:Yes.They are all very n___2___.A:Do you know all of your new classmates w__1__?B:Yes.They are all very n___2___.A:Do they all come from Tianjin?B:No,Li Ping c___3__ from Beijing.A:Are many of you good -Do you know then,Maria?-Yes,they are________in our school.A.woman teachers-Do you know then,Maria?-Yes,they are________in our school.A.woman teachersB.women teacherC.woman teacherD.women teachers 用do does填空 ( )they watch TV on Sundays?Yes,they( ) ( )you know that girl?Yes sheis my sister. ( ) 2. — Do you know ________? — Yes, I do. 如下~~( ) 2. — Do you know ________? — Yes, I do.A. whom she is looking after B. if she is looking after TomC. who is she looking after D. whether is she looking after Tom or not选什么?为 Do you have uncles and aunts?作肯定回答和否定回答 I have one____and two____.A.uncles;aunts B.uncle;aunt C.uncle;aunts