
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:47:47
三明治英文怎么说? 三明治的制作方法,汉语英语都要,无语法错误材料:2片面包 1茶匙黄油 1个橘子 2个胡萝卜 生菜 3片鸡肉 2茶匙酱汁还有一个多小时就交了啊.求求了 The current account is records four types of transactions(merchandise trade,service trade,investment income snd unilateral transfer) among residents of different countries.International businessconsists of business activities that are conducted acros 一万每天复利百分之五,一年365天是多少?求公式和结果,计算器怎样一步一步用呀 英语翻译BOT:承包商在特许期内负责项目设计、融资、建设和运营,并回收成本、偿还债务、赚取利润,特许期结束后将项目所有权移交政府. credit做动词时 在商务英语中的意思 I CAN'T STAND THIS可以翻译成哪些意思? this kind of apples与apples of this kind的区别this kind of apples与apples of this kind的区别. 甲乙两车分别从A市和B市同时相对开出,甲车每小时行60千米,乙车每小时行80千米,5时相遇,在比例尺为1:1 Credit 和 Debit 有什么区别这两个词好晕呀,好像都有同一种意思. Could you tell me,what's the meaning of that? Accounting 里的Debit 和 credit是如何区分的. Could you tell me ——over there?Oh ,that is my English teacher .A who talking with your mother is B who is talking with your mother选哪个啊 为什么 今天看到一篇关于金融的阅读题.其中对credit,debit的区别没有厘清.查英英字典,其解释如下:credit:(written record of a) payment received.----进账(我看英文的注解意思)debit:sum withdrawn from an account.----------- debit 和 credit中文是什么意思 Are there a lot of people there?Not__________.A.much B.many C.more D.a few there () books here than there A.are more B.is more c.are many must 过去式是什么 英语阅读选择填空 must的过去式是什么急 英语阅读 填空 选择 must的过去式 英语阅读选单词填空 must有过去式吗 英语阅读选择填空(好的加分)We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married,have a baby,then another.Then we are 16___ that the kids aren’t old enough and we’ll be more contented when they are.After that w 求must的过去式 三明治的做法英文怎么说 英语翻译我最难忘的旅行是去年10月的海南之行.我和朋友在那里度过了难忘的一周.首先,是那里的自然风景很美.那里有蓝天,白云,大海,沙滩,美得让人难以忘记.大海很纯净,很广阔.天空很蓝, 吐司三明治的做法,英文版的,英文版的 急求一篇德语小作文暑假怎么过的,10左右,处学者.不给写的就别回答 一篇德语作文.要求如下Youwould like to further your studies in München,Germany.Writean E-mail to the Technische Universität MünchenWriteabout 50 words.Include the following details:Say what subjects and whereyou are currently studying We need more money than was budgeted 这句话是否有错我觉得应该是We need more money than budget