
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:31:26
英语翻译这三个相等吗?我记得我们以前的老师讲过,不过现在的老师貌似不知道,连提都没提.= 超郁闷 瓦尔登湖读后感 1200左右 拜托 急!写的有文采点呗!就这两天 拜托 求翻译@@What sort of person do you think author must be to write a book like this? 翻译1 why not try on that pair?2 what do you think of this green skirt?3 oh,i don't like it at al 英语字母怎么读怎么写 英语翻译Mr King lives in a city.He owns some shops and makes a lot of money.His son,Mike,studies at a middle school.The boy likes everything but studying.He doesn't listen to his teachers in class and he never finishes his homework on time.He alw what do you think is the key to the trend?这句话怎么翻译? Let's go and have a look ( )the map.括号里填介词 粤语拼音怎么读啊 矢量的“矢”怎么读(拼音).写个拼音就可以了.不会的请不要乱说,一定要正确,正确的第一个回答的被采纳!(这点小问题应该不用怎么悬赏吧?) 痞子 粤语拼音怎么读 "惑"字 的粤语拼音?粤语怎么读?"惑"字 在粤语怎么读?怎么发音? 为什么三年级开英语,六年级才教音标 what do you think would be must intersting job to do 怎么翻译? why do u think i didnt sleep well?帮我翻译 Why do you think you can find a job like that?请翻译 you would better t__ do the job well 起英文名字,中文名字“文静”,要发音相近的想一个英文名字,中文名字“文静”,要发音相近的, 我想取英文名 我姓区ou 名议文 要文静一点的 最好有读音我是女的,,注意读音标上 1.you can train yourself to think in english in this way,2.听是学英语的一个非常有用的方法 You can train yourself to think in English this way. You can train yourself to hink in English in this Do you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?翻译! 用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Tom and Mary _____________ (come) to China last month.1.Tom and Mary _____________ (come) to China last month.2.My daughter ________________ (not go) to school yesterday.3._________ she ______________ (practice) 按适当形式填空 Tom and Mary _____(come)to China last mouth. 英语翻译你认为这部电影怎么样?What do you think 我和她年龄一样大?I am as odl as she is比起去商店购物,我更喜欢网上购物.prefer store online O2O online to offline 线上线下 .我为你们感到骄傲.be proud of sth Tom and Mart-----------(come)to China last month. what do you think of it 怎么翻译 What do you think of game shows?的中文翻译 what is name of the movie的中文翻译 英语翻译就是菲茨杰拉德的一篇短篇小说.谁知道和这篇小说相关的评论啊,中文翻译啊,什么的.最重要的是它得中文翻译名字叫什么啊!名字叫幸福的庇护所。我自己找到了。有谁有这部小说 name of hotel 求中文翻译一哈.