
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:50:16
What's his job?改为同义句 What's his job?的答句是什么? A:What's his f___?B:He is a doctor. ——What's his uncle's job?——He's a _____(buisness). 小学六年级上册英语练习册17页第三题 __your father a doctor?---Yes.He__in Town Hospital.为什么填Is...works My brother is a w___,He works in a restaurant. my brother is a waiter.he works in a r . 排序.( )Yes,he likes sports.( )He's my big brother.(2)Yes,it is.( )Who's the boy?( )He's strong.( )Linda,is this your photo? t,r,a,m能组成哪些单词 o,r,m,a,j可以组成什么单词? 在这个高楼大厦林立的城市,在这个被物质充盈的时代,我们离大自然越来越远,也少有宁静的心绪,祭祖离我们很远很远,祭祖的仪式也趋于消亡,祭祖或被人为是封建迷信,或被认为非现代人,我 人教版六年级下册英语练习册第三单元14,16, 祭祀祖先的意义? 清明节各地祭拜祖先的方式要详细说明哪个地方的方式.如:台湾:台湾民众的扫墓习俗,一般可分为两种:一种是一般祭扫,仪式及祭祀的东西比较简单,大都只供一些米糕、粿类和糕饼;二是 如何祭祀祖宗 祭祀祖先的由来 初二英语(新目标)题目.This story is _____ than that one .A,a little interesting.B,more a interesting.c.a little interesting.Da little more interesting There are many people (talk) there under the tree.是道适当形式填空题 六年级上册人教版英语配套练习册第八单元参考答案,我只需要一两页.thanks↓↓六年级上册人教版英语配套练习册第八单元参考答案,标题是:Do you have a soccer ball?我只要49页至51页的答案 根据首字母提示填写单词补全短文这几个空怎么填?Nancy was a waitress at a restaurant.She loved her work.The restaurant was c___ to her home,so she walked to work.She stood all d___ long.She was young and strong.But her shoes were n 有100朵花,按3朵红花,5朵黄花,8朵蓝花的顺序排列,其中红花,黄花,蓝花共有多少朵?各位大哥哥大姐姐,我急.列一个式子让我看看好么? 红花有36朵,蓝花比红花少9朵,一共有多少朵花. 初二英语课课练答案谢谢啦 初二英语课课练求答案第七单元有好评,先回答再好评 初二英语动词填空第七单元求答案有好评 初二英语《课课练》的答案 根据汉语及首字母完成单词(1)You can use f names with your friends in England.(2)Tea is not just a drink but a light m at around 4 pm.(3)You don't often hear people (喊叫)in the street in England.(4)There is something wrong with his rig 根据句意首字母或汉语提示写出单词. 初二英语试题,根据句意,汉语提示和首字母提示完成单词Smoking is bad for your h____The old man d____last yearI went to the d_____ because I had a bad toothOf all the w____,I like MO Yan bestThe bridge is_____(较少) than 2 kilome 急求的英语单词 "目标职能"的 英语单词是什么