
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 16:36:52
一张五边形的纸片ABCDE,剪去一个角后剩下纸片的多边形的内角和度数是多少 一个多边形截去一个角后,形成的另一个多边形的内角和是多少度时,原多边形可能是十五边形 要保证正确率 要保证正确率,我是对答案.请标明序号及页码 问几道英语题目.能保证100%正确率回答,题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:Why did you eat your words,Billy?Sorry,dear.But I really forgot where I was _________ to meet y ②My mother needs some money.Now she is going to she.教教我啦 l am going to__some money__ the bank.a.draw....fromb.draw....ofc.take.....ind.bring.....up 翻译 she needs to get some money transferred to her from my cousin ,but she forgot her bank card. My mother is ill.she__应填什么?选项:A.needs some help.B.needs some helps.C.need some help.请说明原因.不然我不要. she is going to do some reading.( 对划线部分提问) ___ 如图,在等边△ABC中,在边BC,AC上取BD=CE,连接AD,BE交于F,求证:∠AFE=60° 下的的10道微积分单选题那位老师会做, 那位老师帮忙做一下这10道微积分单选题,非常感激! 84/24*12/21用简便方法怎么计算 a和b是两个不同的自然数,且a+b=72,a-b=8.求a.b各是多少? She is going to look for a teaching job in China next she is going to look for a job in china next year 划线部分 in china next year 提问 He is going to a teaching job in China为什么填look for,而不是find?这个问题我有点没搞清楚. Now that she is out of a job.Lucy ______ going back to school,but she hasn’t decided yet.A.had considered B.has been considering C.has been considering D.is going to consider 为什么? He is late for school(改为一般将来时) Tracy is going to look for a new job(改为意思相同的句子)The Browns will move to their new house(对to their new house提问)They are going to have a party this weekend(改为一般疑问 管理学原理是什么 管理学原理有哪些?除了彼得原理 蘑菇原理 还有什么原理啊?请详细说明,并多举几个例子!请把所有的原理都说出来啊!把彼得原理 蘑菇原理 请详细说明,并多举几个例子! 管理学原理1管理思想史上,被后人称为“科学管理之父”的是 a泰勒 b法约尔 c韦伯 d巴纳德 2企业文化的最基本要素是 a企业环境 b价值观 c英雄人物 d沟通网络 3现代企业社会责任理论的代表人 a和b是两个不同的自然数,且a+b=72,a-b=8,求a,b各多少? Where is the nearest library?同义句 Is there a library____ ____ Where is the library?改为同义句How can I _____ _____ the library? 1.若不等式|ax+2| Excuse me .Where is the nearest library.同义句Excuse me.Is there a library ( )( 一辆车若以匀速V从甲地开往乙地可以准点到达.但车在离乙地150公里处抛锚.停留30分钟后出发,现在增加10KM/小时的速度才能准点到达乙地, 星星电厂运来一批煤,原计划每天烧8吨煤,45天正好烧完.实际每天节约用煤百分之十,这样可以烧多少天?我既要比例,不过那些小计算的要分步计算 Where is the library? excuse me where is the museum?is it____the library?yes,they are opposite to each other.A next to B.across from C.in front of D.in the front of 选择什么 为什么?