
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:22:59
把下列句子变为直接引语 1.she said that she would finish her work the next day.2、the teacher asked if we could do it.3、the commander ordered his men not to cross the river before dawn.4、my teacher asked whether he was coming.5、the s She said ,”Mary,I have finished my work.”(改为间接引语) She told Mary that she had finished her work.不知这样是否也可以:She said to Mary that she had finished her work.、、、? Mary said she_____to scool the next day 什么是辅音字母,浊辅音字母啊什么的? mika chelsea cyder 这三个英文名都有什么意思,哪个洋气一点 女生日式英文名Aki 和Mika 那个好听些?如题,含义呢?还有Maggie?Aki是读['a:Mika是读['mi: 请以“miss”为基础起一个英文名字吧、、、读音要在这个基础上……thank you!~~~ I beliceve that someone,somewhere is hoding the key to your heart and your dream houseAll u have to do is find them,so where is this person?and if u love someone and it didn't work out,does that mean he's not your soulmateDoes that mean they 请教英语好的朋友一个问题:见到一个地方写着:sjzbiz ,这是什么含义呢? “阳光明媚的日子”作文 以记叙为主 初一600字,急求! 求助朋友一个英文PUSHTO 帮我把 I miss you改成 个性英文符号 我最爱的女孩,miss you 换成火星文,再加些好看的符号 急miss you可以加些特殊符号在旁边吗? 英文邮件回复“收到”一般用什么形式呢?正式的和非正式的都发一下 英文邮件回复要写的内容:非常高兴收到您的来信.真诚的感谢您对我的认可和贵公司对我的录用,我对将来在该部门工作充满了期待,希望届时能与各位同事合作愉快.再次感谢您的问候和关心 英语邮件回复的问题.收到一封邮件,内容是说要把课程延期到明天 please postpone the class until tomorrow.我想回复说我知道了.这封邮件怎么写比较自然? 英语邮件回复Hi Pat,I would like to request a change in my working hours. I currently work the morning shift, Monday through Friday. If possible, I would like to work the afternoon shift on at least three days of each week.Sincerely,Randal Baker 翻译下列索赔函,然后用英文写一封理赔函回答好喔追加分.Dear Sirs,Re:Claim on 10 Cases of MedicineWe enclose herewith Survey Report No.(2008)68764436 issued by the Wuhan Commodity Inspection Bureau certifying that the quali 高分求服装短装索赔的英文函我们在孟加拉订了一批布料,现在因为对方少交了布料,导致我们成品短装(少做了大约79件衣服),现在要索赔,本人洋文学的太烂,The terms of our compensation is that is t 密函的英文怎么写? 帮忙写篇英文介绍函 请写出赔偿的英语 我和小猫相伴的日子 作文 500字RT 如何将They had fun playing bastetball on the playground同义句转换为They ( ) basketball on the playground. 那段( )的日子 作文 500字 "技术服务"的英语翻译 假如你的英文名字叫Jenny,请你给曾经教过你的外籍教师Miss Rona发一封e-mail.内容提示:1爸爸在上海找到工作,你现在就读于上海第八中学2校园和家乡的校园一样绿树成荫,整洁美丽3食物不如家 加入你的英文名叫Jenny,请你给曾经教过你的外语老师Miss Rona发一封e-mail.内容提示:1.爸爸在福州找到新工作,你现在就读于福州第101中学2.校园绿树成荫,整洁美丽3.放学后常去学校游泳池游泳, 英语做阅读的技巧? 英语做阅读有什么技巧吗? 根据题目说明写一封催证函,要求用英文书写假设你是南京德创伟业进出口有限公司(Nanjing Dechuangweiye Import & Export Co.,Ltd)的业务员Cathy Lee,加拿大Carters Trading Company,LLC的Joe Brown先生向你公司签返 询证函英文怎么翻译?