
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:16:52
They are very grateful ___ us ___them so much help.A to ,to give B of ,to giveC for ,give D to ,for giving 求一道英语选择题答案第15题 I got to the theatre just before the end of ___. A、the act two ​ B、act two C、act second D 选择:How much ___ the coffee and milk?A:is B:are C:be请马上回答, She often appears as a young girl.She ___ on the stage as a young girl.[a]is presented[b]points[c]shows[d]seems 1.f(x)=根号下1-x y属于(4分之3π,π),则f(sin2y)+f(-sin2y)=2.已知函数f(x)=根号3sin k分之πx的图像相邻的一个最大值点与最小值点恰好在圆x的平方+y的平方=k的平方,则f(x)的最小正周期是 要写国家风景的,最少5句话!要作文,是一段5句话,我明天要交! 六年级英语活动手册第五单元答案 已知关于x的一元二次方程kx+2(k-1)x+1=0有实数根,求k的取值范围 I usually go to bed late at night、and youA so I do B so do l C so am l D so l am “你喜不喜欢我”用英语怎么说 The boys in this town like to bully ( ).1)one and other; 2)one and the other; 3)each other; 4)one another.并请说明原因. 害怕.用英语怎么说? I would have jojined him in apicnic,but()I his company.A will not like B don't like C had not liked D might not like为什么,与过去相反不是应该选C吗? 害怕用英语怎么说 1 Half an hour_______,he dialed again.A late B lately C later 这道题怎么做这三个有什么区别2 He reads newspapers every day to keep himself_______.A inform B informing C informed D being informed 这道题为什么不是A 语法不是make 害怕某人做某事,用英语怎么说? 6.7.8题英语八下 36页3b人教版八年级下册英语36页 3b 写对话用 your ID card 写得好一点. 哪里有英语七选五试题的书推荐几本题 41、河宽42m,船在静水中速度为4m/s,水流速度是3m/s,则船过河的最短时间为( )A.14 s B.10.5 s C.8.4 s D. s 如图所示,小球从平台A水平抛出落到平台B上,已知AB的高度差为h=1.25m,两平台的水平距离为s=5m,则小球能够落到平台B上的初速度至少为( )(g取10m/s2) 八年级下册英语书64页3b作文 马上 如果爱我,用英语怎么说 如果爱我就请包容我用英语怎么说 如果爱我就放开我用英语怎么说 如果爱我会深爱用英语怎么说 如果爱我那么请不要转身离开我宝贝.翻译成英语怎么说 什么初中英语语法练习书比较好 谁能帮我推荐几本有关初中英语语法的书?(最好十本以上) 请问 工程安装分公司 用英语怎么说?