
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 10:42:16
She is my friendShe is (my friend) (就扩号部分提问) today is sunday,i didn't get up early as usually.in the morning after i finished my homework,i do some washing.then i telephoned one of ciassmate and invited him to see a film.and unfortunately,when we got to the cinema at 3:oo pm.we found all the ti the girl has finished her homework.the boy has finished his homework toothe girl has finished her homework.________ _________the boy改为同义句 decide的第三人称单数 有以下程序int f(int n){if(n==1)return 1;else return f(n-1)+1;} main() {int i,j=0; for(i=1;i (17)有以下程序 main() { int i,s=1; for (i=1;i 以下程序段的运行结果是( ).int a[]={1,2,3,4},i,j; j=1; for(i=3;i>=0;i--) {a[i]=a[i]*j; j=j*3; } f以下程序段的运行结果是( ).int a[]={1,2,3,4},i,j;j=1;for(i=3;i>=0;i--){a[i]=a[i]*j;j=j*3;}for(i=0;i for(int i=0;i 英语翻译爱丽丝梦游仙境主题曲her name is alice歌词的中文翻译,知道的请告诉我, 建筑设计方面的英语,老是有finish这个词,给个例句:甲方要求提交物:details of interior construction elements and finishes finish这个词是点动词么,能不能表示动作的持续? finish同义词是什么 What should i get my really good friend(that is a boy) from China?I want to get him something that he'll remenber me by and something he can use.Hes 13 years old...I'm in Shanghai,China right now,but i'm going to Yi Wu soon.I'm going back to Canada i finish homework的finish是什么词,可以加ing么 What is that boy in blue?有哪些语病? We found that he was clever boy.(改为同义句)We found ( ) ( ). We found he was a clever boy的同义句 We foound__ __ he find the boy is clever 这句话为什么不对 We found he was a clever boy.(同义句) We ____ the boy ____.为什么这么填. 关于不定冠词a的问题和第三人称单数的疑问1.He has a headache He has measles为什么后面一句不需要加a呢Does he have a stomach ache?No,he doesn't have a stomach ache.He has a headache.为什么前面两句have不需要变 s(n) { if(n=1) return 1; else return s(n-1)+n*n*n }和 for(i=1;i 新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第四册sectionA、B答案十个单元全要 求新视野大学英语第二册读写教程Unit8 sectionA课文的整体内容概括,分段内容概括,要纯英文的 连词成句.1.yours,is,under,a,boy,the,the,of,friend,tree(?) 第三人称单数谓语后能接名词复数? 用be动词"can、have、has、like、likes、are、am、is"造句(个造二句) 如何快点提高英语成绩? 怎样才能把英语成绩很快的提高? 英语怎么提高成绩快? 8道初中英语复习语法题( )You are a _______friend.A.welcome B.welcomed C.welcome D.welcoming( )They can't _______the town tonight.A.get B.arrive C.arrive in D.get up( )I _______someone calling for help last night.A.heard B.listene 怎么样才能更快提高英语成绩? Are you going to ______ us in the discussion?A.join B.attend C.take part in D.join in请问选择什么,这里的所有选项我不太知道怎么区分,在什么场合用,经常与哪些词连用?希望大家能针对这四个选项的每个单词