
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 01:29:44
怎样认识我国经济活动中的公平与效率的, 分析说明应如何认识和把握公平与效率先富与后富关系 列打一数字 Is there ( )water in the glass?A、any B、some C、many D、much 选哪个? ( )1.---water is there in the glass?A.How many B.How much C.Whose D.What There is _____ water in the glass A:any B:a lot C:much D:many There is much water in the glass.和There are much water in the glass意思一样吗? 红体字怎么打红的字怎么打啊 There is going to be rain.there is going to be rain么?我怎么觉得是rainy,可是答案是rain 为什么 打一数字? 1.There(   )heavy rain and strong winds in the future.A.is going to be B.are going to haveC.is going to be D.are going to be2.This pen is()that one.A.cheaper than B.more cheaper than C.as cheaper as D.much cheap than3.Machines can do lots o 掀起红盖头打一数字 打一数字每句 how much milk is there in the glass?A no B none C no one D many要说为什么? 能说明基因通过控制蛋白质的结构直接控制性状的实例是?A.白化病 B.苯丙酮尿症 C.皱粒豌豆 D.囊性纤维素 ( )milk is there in the glass?a little.a.how many b.how much c.what 请说名理由 There ( ) many milk in the glass.There ( ) much milk in the glass.There ( ) some milk in the glass. There is many milk in the glass.找出错误并改正 there is much milk in the glass(否定句) 一支直杆在阳光下形成影子,为什么当地面下的影子最短时,影子所对的方向是正南方这是关于光的直线传播的问题, 歌颂祖国诗句50句 shall we have some seafood in a restaurant?改为同义句--- have some seafood in a restaurant 歌颂祖国好句子 急用歌颂祖国的句子急用.o(∩_∩)o ↖(^ω^)↗⊙ō⊙~- 【┳═一oO ( ≥ ◇ ≤ ) 一个长方形的纸长是24厘米,宽是9厘米,从这张纸上剪去一个最大的正方形,剩下的面积是多少? Bill wants to know where she lives是宾语从句么?什么是宾语从句?举个例子好么 某酒店客房部有三人间.双人间客房,收费标准如下表为了吸引游客 实行团体入住五折优惠措施,一个50人得旅游团优惠期间入住该酒店,住了一些三人普通间和双人普通间客房,若每间客房正好 4、红太阳大酒店客房部有三人间、双人间和单人间客房,收费数据如下表(例如三人无奈啊 红太阳酒店客房部有三人间,双人间和单人间客房,收费数据如下表(例如三人间普通间客房每人每天收费50元).为吸引客源,在十一黄金周期间进行优惠大酬宾,凡团体入住一律五折优惠.一个50人 某酒店客房部有三人间、双人间客房,收费数据如下表.(用一元一次方程解)为吸引游客,实行团体入住五折优惠措施.一个50人的旅游团优惠期间到该酒店入住,住了一些三人普通间和双人 Let's have some chicken.改为同义句,用———some chicken let's have some____(chicken),____(egg)and____(juice)怎么填