
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:20:51
“纤”有哪些读音组词 纤的两种读音的组词纤:xian纤:qian怎么组词? 台球厅 求几个英文字母或单词做店名 最好是和台球有关的缩写字母 最好有品位些 因为台球厅走的精装修 面向高消费人群 最好是能让看懂英文的人感觉很不错 让看不懂的也绝的很酷的那种 英语翻译Baby,I've tried,but I can't help myselfCan't disguise the way I feel insideI'm falling so helplessly,it's true,yeahI close my eyes and believe completelyThat I can feel you touching my skin so tenderlyCome morning light,just the victim of 用哪个英文字母当店名最好 谁能帮我找好的广告用语和店名(用词巧妙的)还有用的巧妙的病句还有巧妙对联、公益广告、流行语、电视广告 店名的用词快,例:理发店(一剪美) 翻译:cats and dogs请快一点 英语翻译It's rains cats and dogsA下冰雹 B下大雪 C下倾盆大雨 D下毛毛雨 Waiting for a girl like All I want is you 翻译, want和want to都可以翻译成想吗? 英语翻译我开了一个装修店,名叫《美店美》 请高手帮我翻译成英文,我查询了字典,发现不能字对字翻译,是有考究的,尽量让英文简短优美,比如索尼公司的SONY,有聪明小男孩的意思. Chinese people always use chopsticks iChinese people always use chopsticks instead of _____________.(knife) 那条横线填什么? We Chinese people eat with chopsticks.What about the people in( A,west.B,West C,the West,D,a west 请回答以下翻译,英译汉,O(∩_∩)O谢谢: drink and glasses of water everyday 还有以下这些,都是,谢谢您好,还有这些: eat more vegetables and fruits. do sports everyday. early to be He is not very tall and wears glasses翻译 英语翻译求助i carry suitcase loads of dark glasses and jeans Tom has_(many)erasers than I. Tom has _____(many) pens than I 英语翻译本草伊人简洁准确为好 帮忙起个英文店名嘛是个类似休闲会所的地方,名字要有午后阳光或休闲这类的意思最主要要有档次点的,小女子先谢过了 Chinese people are always ( 填空 )to the foreignersf 开头的 这个单词 Chinese people are always f----to the foreinersalways后面填什么?f开头的 We always think Chinese people are very p______. My sister spent an hour ___his homework last night A.did B.to do C.doing D.do It ____ him about an hour _____ _____ doing his homework last night.昨晚完成家庭作业花了他大约一个小时的时间 急啊!好心人帮帮忙吧! Jim spent an hour doing his homework last night.英语解释英语英语解释英语Jim spent an hour doing his homework last night.The city today is not the same as ten years ago.The small box is the same weight as the big one.Tom is the same age as first of all,first,at first,for the first time,the first time有什么区别 first of all 与 first 与 for the first time 有什么区别? Yui和saeri可作单独英文名吗?挺喜欢这些名的 但因为是日系的 怕单独用不规范 特别是在国外用 英文名 YUKI 和 YUI 哪个好听啊就喜欢简单的.然后 是Y开头的.这两个 哪个好点.讨厌撞名