
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:41:56
数学题争议,春运期间,硬座票价上浮了15%,软座票价上浮1/5,(农历除夕至正月初二软座和硬座票价都下浮10%) 争议:括号里面“下浮10%”在原价的基础上还是在现价的基础上下浮10%我说的“ 一道有争议的数学题小燕用45元压岁钱兑换了4.5欧元.人民币与欧元的兑换最简比是( ),比值是( ) I cannot choose the best.The best chooses me.谁能帮我翻译一下这句话的意思 I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me.(请给我五个字的翻译) Beethoven(贝多芬) is a great m___________ . Beethoven is a great m______.急 The birds in the forest sing___,so i like them very much.Liu Wei won 2011 China's Got ___.He played the piano with his feet.选次填空并用适当形式 true talent beautiful 一道数学题 有争议帮帮我从右面看是面C,面D在后面,那么那一面会在上面? 一道很有争议的数学题这是团结出版社出版的同步练习(双色版)小学六年级数学下册第9页中的一道题.判断下题中的两个量是否成比例,成什么比例.不成比例.我觉得应当成正比例.路程一定, 一道有争议的奥数题甲乙两人沿铁路线相向而行,一列火车从甲身边开过用了6秒,4分钟后火车又从乙身边开过用了5秒,那么从火车遇到乙以后,在过多少分钟甲乙两人相遇? Because you have selfishes是什么意思! i'have fell,because of 一道有争议的题0.999999.0.99999.*(10-1)=9.9999.-0.99999.=91*(10-1)=10-1=9 I heard ti ----by S.H.E.(a.sing b.sung) 帮忙做下She said she had never heard me ( ) so well before.A.to sing B.sing C.sanShe said she had never heard me ( ) so well before.A.to sing B.sing C.sang Her son being taken to the polic ,she can not say any words but crying silently请教高手们上面这句话什么地方有错啊,包括语法及习惯用法上的错误 I know you have four girlfriends.But I don't care.Iwant to be you fifth girlfriend.Can you give me __,she could not mask her sadness.A.Hard although she tried to hold herself inB.Hard though she tried to hold herself inC.Hard as did she try to hold herself inD.As she tried hard to hold herself in i heard he ()(sing)at that time.为什么填was sing i heard him ()(sing)at that moment.为什么填singing.老师讲的him加非谓语动词什么的我没听明白,请大家帮我分析 用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.We (sing) songs at that moment .用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.We (sing) songs at that moment .2.By last year,I (finish) learning Book One.3.My father (be) a doctor before he retired.4.When my mother (co 什么是方法论? 在四棱锥P-ABCD中,底面ABCD为菱形,角BAD=60度,Q为AD中点.1.若PA=PD,求证:平面PQB垂直平面PAD.2.点M在线段PC上,PM=tPC,试确定t的值,使PA平行平面MQB3.在2的条件下,若平面PAD垂直平面ABCD,且PA=PD=AD=2,求二面 如图所示 abcd是正方形 pa⊥平面abcd 连接ac bd 在这个立体图形中 互相垂直的平面有?A.4组 B.6组 C.7组 D.8组算出来居然是5组>< 入蜀记 二十三日 译文 .He _________ (live) in America two years ago.2.The boy ________ (listen) to the teacher careful 第十二题, 求几何题的答案 my family s Sunday英语作文 一道有争议的数学题某测量员是这样利用回声测距离的:他站在两平行峭壁间某一位置鸣枪,经过1.00s第一次听到回声,又经过0.50s再次听到回声.已知声速为340m/s,则两峭壁间的距离是多少?答案给 怎么着也不止12个 设函数f(x)在R上的导函数为f'(x),且f(x)>f'(x).若a>b,则()A.e^b*f(b)