
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:01:27
Where is my 快 谁有托福tpo听力原文和音频 发给我好不 a4127641@163.com 谢谢大家了 I can't imagine life,Without your love. Without your life tomorrow .求跪 Create your better life ,I can,can you 帮我取个英文名,我的名字叫“汪诗寒”,最好用“诗寒”的谐音取个英文名,注意:偶素女生! 我的名字是诗煜,想取一个有y.s,或者是和我的名谐音的男英文名.男英文名,好听的更好.日式英语不要, run into a buzzsaw什么意思应该是个俗语之类的吧 run into a sentence什么意思那句 例句的意思是什么? 解释一下词组:run into比如run into sbrun into problemsrun a car It is good____ a lot of water.A.drinking B.drink C.to drink D.drinks为什么要选此答案? 求托福tpo全套word版啊!腾讯油箱 491308298 谢谢好心人!!! ( ) 1.Camels can walk a long way without __________ .A.to drink B.drinks C.drinking( ) 3.Don't ________ my bread .I want to eat it now.A.take to B.take off C.take away( ) 4.We need _________ more exercises every day.A.to do B.doing C.do( ) 6.We hav I want _a cup of tea .A.drinkB.drinks C.to drink D.drinking I can't do anything without your help.同义句 Without your help,we________ so muchWithout your help,we ____ so much.A.didn’t achieve B.would not have achieved C.will not achieve D.don’t achieve run 给句子排排座吧.( )果然,豆大的雨点打下来了,哗哗的大雨泼下来了.( )下午真闷热,天边的乌云堆到了头顶.( )可是,一会儿便雨过天晴.( )一阵狂风,天色阴暗,看起来要下雨了.( )又 雨滴越来越密,犹如豆子从天而降扩句 没有我,你将会更好的英文是 without me you will be better.那“有我,你将会...没有我,你将会更好的英文是 without me you will be better.那“有我,你将会更好的”英文呢, be better you do.这句有语法错误吗?没有的话怎么翻译呢? ( ) without learning is better than learning ( ) experience.并且翻译一下 点点星光这种结构的词? bump into ,drive into ,knock into ,run into这四个词组的区别?同上,摆脱了~ smash into与knock into的区别 She cooks to make her mother and father是什么意思 1、写日记的一个好处是能留下自己成长过程中的点点滴滴.2、我保持写日记的习惯已经八年3、这厚厚的一摞日记本是我的财富.4、偶尔翻看以前的旧日记,5、我感慨很多.6、虽然日记里不乏无 一个人变好变坏,关键在于内起决定作用(改病句) 我国目前宏观经济是怎样一个形式 拜托大家看下爱国诗歌朗诵稿;我爱祖国晓得的人说下哈,非常感谢你们了4q