
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:33:41
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的mrs dallowy 想表达什么.故事的叙事视角是什么样的,怎样刻画了女性. 同时表达女性怎么样的特点 宾语从句和宾语补足语的作用一样吗 宾语补足语如何使用呢? I am said,believe you forever.and you must happy.这句话应该有语病吧?尤其是I am said这一句?还有,这个要怎么翻译呢? He didn't say anything.(同义句) 司马迁为什么会受宫刑?宫刑是怎么一回事? he didn`t say anything at that time.改为同义句 I like reading in the garden.It is very___(peace)there he is reading the newspaper under the tree of the garden 有没有什么语法错误?另外,他正在看报纸he is reading the newspaper 中间需不需要冠词the? ___ that the new school would __ the next month.A.It is said;open B.I heard;be opened C.I had no idea;be opened D.I was told;open 大学体验英语综合教程1汉译英小弟放假回家,忽闻英语挂了,准备在家背背.可是大学体验英语综合教程1的汉译英不会,大侠们帮帮吧 司马迁受宫刑前有老婆吗?好奇而已, You should have been invited to the meeting —— (hold)yesterday evening) 横杠应You should have been invited to the meeting —— (hold)yesterday evening) 横杠应该填什么?我要正确的 nobody knew it ,didn't they.改错 白居易的“村夜”中、景中有情是本诗的一大特点,请做具体赏析.八年级上册的作业本82页中阅读理解(二)中的第二小题(也就是第十题) 白居易的村夜这首诗中景中有情是它的一大特点,请作具体赏析. 在村夜这首歌中.景中有情是本诗的一大特点,请具体分析拜托了各位 谢谢 1.Please _____ music carefully.Ok!But I can't _____ anything.A.hear,listen to B.listen to,hear C.listen,hear D.listen to,hear of2.We don't have pens____.A.to write B.writing C.to write with D.writing with Uncle John has no child and he can\'t see anything. ( )carefully or you can t( ) anything,填关于听的 her favourite dringk is coffee为什么用her不用she和she,s She wears pretty dresses.Purple is her favourite coloul.She loves to wear purple dresses very much. 15个连续奇数的和为1995,其中最小的奇数是多少 高二英语选择问题1.Mary's parents wouldn't allow her to go to a movie,but she still ________.A.hopes for B.hopes to C.hopes not D.hopes so2.________ announcement of the mayor's retirement came as ________ complete shock to all of I didn't buy anything special from Malaysia同义句I 空 空 special from Malaysia 一道高二英语选择题目--I saw no more than one copy of Harry Potter VII in that bookstore.Will you go and buy____?--All right,I'LL go there after school.A,thoseb,itc,oned,this说明理由,谢谢其他答案的用法呢 了解水浒剧情的进!武松为什么血溅鸳鸯楼武松杀了奸夫淫妇,潘金莲和西门庆,还有王婆,去了牢城,然后那个县官看着武松身膀强,就有意免了杀威棒,然后武松帮助县官闹了快活林.之后呢 怎么 《水浒传》中,武松临走前,写了什么字? 中英翻译:你大声说,这样我们可以听的很清楚.Speak loudly___________we may___________. 证明:存在n个不同正整数使得其中任意两个不同的数a,b都满足(a-b)^2整除ab. 证明:一个正整数的奇数位数字之和与偶数位数字之和的差能被11整除,那么这个正整数能被11整除(不用同余 Don’t speak loudly .改为肯定祈使句.Don’t speak loudly .改为肯定祈使句.有关这方面的知识说一下,