
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:48:54
《风筝》中对精神的虐杀的这一幕具体指那些事 鲁迅写的文章《风筝》中: 鸟类的天堂 1.“据统计”不能删除的理由是什么?2.请用列数字、作比较的说明方法仿写一句话. 就一个选词填空 I saw him (play\plays)basketball just now.我认为第一个要填plays,因为是第三人称。 《鸟天堂》 麦保红 广东新会城南面6公里的天马河上,有一株500多岁的老榕树,盘根错节,拔地擎天,须根飘拂,独木成林,栖息着数以千计的鸟儿,当地人称它为“雀墩”,又叫它“小鸟天堂”. 占有你5秒钟,I saw him (play\plays)basketball just now.这个题也就是运用see sb do sth这个短语,如果这个sb是第三人称,那么do用原型还是动词的单三形式. 鸟天堂 麦宝红广东新会城南面6公里的天马河上,有一株500多岁的老榕树,盘根错节,拔地擎天,须根飘拂,独木成林,栖息着数以千计的鸟儿,当地人称它为“雀墩”,又叫它“小鸟天堂”.  黎明, -----Is he in the office now?---- No,he ______ be there.I saw him in the library just nowA.won’tB.can’tC.needn’tD.mustn’t我想选A 但是错了 鸟天堂阅读答案广东新会城南面6公里的天马河上,有一株500多岁的老榕树,盘根错节,拔地擎天,须根飘拂,独木成林,栖息着数以千计的鸟儿,当地人称它为“雀墩”,又叫它“小鸟天堂”.  黎明 Americans eat ___vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.A.more than twiceB.as twice --mericans eat ___vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.A.more than twiceB.as twice as manyC.twice as many asD.more than twice as many选D不 Americans eat ( ) vegetables per person today as they did in 1996 选项A more than twiceB as twice as many Ctwice as many as希望可以说明原因 what kind of 和 what's kind of 和 what kinds of 和 what's kinds of 这些到底哪些是对的?我都搞不清了.例如我要造个句子:一般什么样的动物在伦敦?这个怎么造? 中国运动健儿在北京奥运会中以范仲淹在《岳阳楼记》中所说的“———— ,————” 良好心态参加比赛. 鲁迅《风筝》有句话叫“精神的虐杀这一幕”指的是哪一幕? 鲁迅风筝中精神的虐杀的含义. 有什么单词复数时还是原型 英语单词的原型和复数形式越多越好, I saw him go out just now.同义句转换He ____ ______ _____go out just now. I saw him _______(put) on his coat and ______(go) out just now someone saw him go out just now 同义句五个空格 out just now -Is Jack in the library ? -Maybe.I saw him( )out with some books just now.A. going B. go C. to goD.went your father ____be in his room.i saw him go out just now.A.can B.can't C.must D.mustn'tdid you find him___ in the lake when you passed by A.swim B.swimming C.swam D.to swimthe bus didn't ____ until 3:00p.m.A.get B.get to C.reach D.arrive 岳阳楼记和小竹楼记分别表现作者怎样的态度 岳阳楼记表现了作者什么态度 《岳阳楼记》与《黄冈新建小竹楼记》都表现了作者怎样的态度?是人地回答,不是人地不准答,知道不? 我相信我一定会成功英语怎么写 鲁迅写的文章《风筝》中:肃杀,诀别,嫌恶, 鲁迅写的文章《风筝》中:“诀别,嫌恶,虐杀”分别是什么意思? Today people eat ____ vegetables per person as they did in 1910.选项:a、more than twice b、 as twToday people eat ____ vegetables per person as they did in 1910.选项:a、more than twice b、 as twice as many c、 twice as many as d、 more than My father had lunch at 12:00 yesterday.对划线部分提问,在had lunch下面划线, They had lunch at twelve yesterday.(改为否定句)