
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:36:44
诺贝尔发明炸药的原因 英语翻译“如果我从你的网站里摘录一些数据放到我网站上,你能同意吗”就这句 英语翻译我在一家服装批发档口工作(做中裙子的),生意一般;附近有个批发市场很多客人(鬼佬),假如我知道他需要裙子,那我在街上搭讪问他,“你找裙子吗,有兴趣来我家档口看一下吗, 翻译,老外给的句子.what are similar simpler words and how is this word different? in other words, in the overall "Chinese" landscape, where does this word fall?怎么理解这个fall? Let Me Take Control 歌词RT ---Is this sweater ____?----Let me ____?oh,yes.It Is____.----here you must____after it.在画线处填入合适的词 -do you like it here?这里用it?-oh,yes.The air,theweather,the way of life.Everything is so nice. 一堂( )的语文课,半命题作文,600字左右,要是初一上学期的课文~ how about_____for a walk around the lake walk around the Walk t______ the park and you can find a big lake.You can boat in the lakeWalk t____ the park and you can find a big lake.You can boat in the lake.This is the b____ of the garden tour.I hope you e____ yourselves during the journey.The plane had taken 古代有没有孩子是贤达之人,但是父母品行不好的例子? 我国古代子女感激母亲的故事题目 IT BE SO LONG 书读的少不好意思啊 It's been so long中文意思 It's been so long 这句话有语法错误码? The old men ( ) A walk slowly B slowly walk c walks slowlyA (为什么?) 嘿是什么意思啊? I enjoy___(walk)slowly in the___(gold)sun. 咋骂你呢这是啥意思? 嘿是什么意思 第三人称单数的句子在什么时候have不用变has如题 “TOM must have goodhibits."TOM是第三人称,为什么不能用“has”而用“have” 第三人称双数是用have还是has 表示没有人的四字词语很急 表示人很热的四字词语 Walk slowly along the river and you can enjoy the ()[美丽] of our town.写出空白处单词的适当形式 1.Jack was beginning to enjoy the b___ of nature.2.the professor is editing a dictionary that explains the o____ of words.3.During the festival Obon,Japanese show respect to their a___.4.there were over 100 guests at our wedding f____.5.a p____ is a 小学音乐课堂上的教学目标分类可以有几种 Do you( )an English book?里面填 have或has 用所给动词的适当形式填空It is not good for him()(work)so long time 帮帮忙 谢谢了 It won’t be so long until we