
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 09:56:28
US$5.356 million 怎么念? 绞丝旁字旁的字有哪些 6.9 million US$是69亿美元还是690万美元? We are dancing in the park.改为一般疑问句 (In this photo)(we are walk)(around the park).改错 we are in the park 变成否定句 first 前面必须有the吗 为什么书上没有 书上的句子是she won first prize in yesterday's singing competi US$500 million 英语怎么说 they are in the city park.的问句 带音标的字母 从A到Z 急用 Z到A有多少个字母! Did she ___the first prize in the piano competition? gessica,there,when,was,she,happy,was.连词成句Jessica,there,when,was,she,happy,was.连词成句 今年的生物竞赛题呢?Who can help me/千万不要重复的,最好能给我一份答案.…… Who can help me 比热容在沙滩,中午啦,放热的啦,沙子烫,水不烫,是因为水吸热升温比沙子慢,所以水没沙子烫.还是水吸热能力比沙子强?是不是因为水的吸热能力强,就把热量给吸收了就变得不那么 英语翻译请带有例句, 英语翻译Perhaps he had seen better times,but there was no sign of any good times now. she seems worried about her daughter同义句 She seemto ( ) ( ) about her daughterIt ( ) ( ) she is worried about her daughter open,opened;close,closed;区别?暂时初中水平. 英语翻译I first saw you at the video exchange I know my heart and it will never change This temp work would be alright if you'd call me You'd call me I lie awake at night And for you I pray We crossed the deepest oceans Cargo across the sea And i 英语:(next time Take 2 softgels 2 time daily中文翻译是什么 US$ 74 这个怎么读 talk next She explained,''My visit is about making friends.''改为间接引语 be open for sometime有这个句型吗?还有opened 的用法 翻译:we are too worried about making friends to concentrate on workRT,快啊 My sister is careful about making friends with strangers online even thought she likes chatting.译 She like making friends with us. translation of a sentenceI would appreciate it if you can provide your answerTo a solution containing GuHCl (10 mg,5 mol%) in H2O(4 mL),was added the carbonyl compound (2 mmol) and themixture vigorously stirred for 10 min at room temperature.After,Na translation of a sentence 309年,市场总体判断下降15-25%.预计09年上半年持续低迷的态势,下半年同比今年会有好转,全年呈现比较平躺的趋势,不会出现今年大起大落的现象. translation of a sentence 2 大型工程车市场与国家固定资产投资以及中小煤矿大量关停,市场降幅将大于行业水平.而中小型工程车比较贴近农村市场,预计市场下跌不会太大.