
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:04:44
《王子复仇记》中哈姆雷特所使用的剑叫什么? 定语从句的从句不缺成分,那么用哪几个连词 找错误并改正:Tony and Bill is going play basketball快,哪个单词错了,谢拉! 美式元音i和I怎么读的.can you feel it 和can you fill it.我听下区别.找找感觉 this is brad s room _____________ it s on the chair where are the pictures ___ __________one is _______________the bed and the other is where is his ruier完成对话 英语中,状元从句,是不是就是一个从属连词+一个从句? Extremists were exciting the people to rebellion against their oppressors这句话是不是正确我觉得to后面接rebel,因为rebellion是名词 空中英语教室 的光盘内容是什么?有没有外教朗读书里面的文章? 空中英语教室杂志的光盘里是什么内容? soldiers who were fighting against the us discussed how to make people there safe.there什么词性啊,修饰什么 some questions about test report1.What is a formal report format?2.What the report should contain when you report to your leader?3.Show about the importance for report and communications to your members & leaders.4.Write a Email base on the following Mr Green lives in a three-bed room on the fifth floor.怎么译? Mr Green lives on the third floor .(划线部分提问) happy birthday除了生日快乐还有别的意思么?就是五月天阿信唱的那首 happy birthday 是生日快乐的意思么? 请问谁有空中英语教室2006.10的mp3啊? Tony asks Daming to go to a basketball match.(改为一般疑问句)改为_____Tony_____Daming to go to a basketball match? Mark wants to __a basketball match. 伦敦奥运会闭幕式什么时候直播啊? some of the most profound loneliness can happen when other people are present 求此句子的翻译,多谢 Do you live here in Techville中的here 做的是什么成分?这个句子有什么语法? Do you live here in Beijing?这里的here是名Do you live here in Beijing?这里的here是名词还是副词?大爷,名词化懂么? 求教do you live here?A:do you live here?B:It's rented.请问这的rent为什么加ed? You do not live here ,do not you? 学完六年级上册第四单元,你最大的收获是什么如题 他的大部分时间都用在了教育工作上,这句话中的工作用work.works.working.哪一个单词,为什么? Our classroom must be made ____ all the time.A clean B to clean如题 这道题怎么选呢?clean 既可以作形容词也可以作动词.非常感谢你们的回答! 儿时的回忆歌曲英文怎么说 人教版六年级上册语文第四单元描写人物用了哪些方法,学完本组课文你有什么学习收获.急.今天下午5点30截止问题60字左右 大家对不起,是5单元,我写错了 My mother has six basketball.改为否定句. 人教版六年级上册语文第八单元的收获学完这一单元,我最大的收获是1.( )2.( )3.( ) She was seen _______ away from the scene of the crime.She was seen _______(run) away from the scene of the crime.答案给的是running 不应该是be seen to do 吗?所以答案不应该是to run 吗?正如答案所说 能填 to run 。 如果填to He was seen____something away from the shop last nightA.takeB.to take C.to be takeD.taken