
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:35:26
定语从句中何时用the one doesn’t后面为什么加动词原形,我们老师讲的是好像助动词后加? move,am,cook 过去式 请英文好的朋友帮助检查一下英文作文中的错误Firstly,although both expatriates and frequent flyers field experience and an awareness of global issues,expatriates could focus better with helping company build localization which has b eleven的过去式,move的过去式,stop的进行时,ask的进行时many kinds of的中文意思生活在地球上的英文在地球上的英文在湖里游泳的英文2.句型转换1.John walked with his friend (in the street.)对括号部分提问_ 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文小短文.Nowadays,with rapid urbanization,expertspredict that 50% of people live in cities.It is predicted that the statisticwill increase to 70% by 2050.Although there are many slum areas whichcan't even move的过去式是什么 求一首英文歌,歌名翻译成中文是爱恨交织 定语从句中one of 和the one of有什么区别? move的过去式 move的过去式怎么读 .补全对话  A:Do you know we have a new teacher and two new students this semester?  B:Really?What __________ the new teacher look __________?  A:He is an old man.He __________ no hair.  B:Is he __________?  A:Yes.And he ____ 单选1.Usually we get _____about something and end up _____in Chinese.A.exciting; speaking B.exciting; speak C.excited; speaking D.excited; speak2.-____you ever ____with a group?-Yes,I have.A.Have; study B.Have; studied C.Do; study 3.He find I can sing english songs对 sing english songs提问 Her sister can sing English songs.改为疑问句是什么? i can sing English songs(English songs画线了 怎么提问) 请英文好的朋友帮助修正一下英语作文,主题关于“城市化”Nowadays,with rapid urbanization,experts predict that,50% of people live in cities 70% by 2050.Though there are many slum which even can't provide a good health environmen it is 关于童趣的作文(600字左右)初中水平,好一点啊! 急,很急啊! 作文写童趣600字以上 童趣的作文600字 my teacher goes to Beijing by plane对by plane提问 Tom goes to Beijing by plane.改为同义句 Tom__ __ Beijing. My father goes to Beijing by plane(换一种方式表达,但意思不变)怎么回答? She goes to HongKong by plane.(改同义句) ( )My father goes to______by plane.A.England C.the park ( )The traffic light is_______,we can go. B.yellow ( )How_______we go there?--By B.does C.are( )My room is on the________floor telephone lady gaga MV,讲述着一个什么故事? 2012新课标理综的这个生物题是不是有问题?第四题 当人看到酸梅时唾液分泌会大量增加,对此现象的分析,错误的是A 这一反射过程需要大脑皮层的参与 B 这是一种反射活动,其效应器是唾液腺C 过去进行时的被动语态怎么表示?今天在书上看到一道题,总觉得答案不对The goods____when we arrived at the airport.A.were just unloading B.were just been unloadingC.had just unloaded D.were just being unloaded本人觉得应 急!过去进行时和过去将来时的被动语态请问能否帮我各列举出几句以下三种句型(按照它的形式)的例句?谢谢!1. 过去进行时特殊疑问句的被动语态:疑问词+was/were+主语+being+过去分词+其它 Wang Mei is good at sing English songs改病句 I can sing this English song ____________(good)