
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 20:20:19
英语翻译How are you today?Very nice to hear from youagain.I am retired,and just work part-time with thepost offce now.I have lived here for all of my adultlife.Will try to send another photo along with thisemail as an attachment.I hope you to wil 这句话符合语法吗?someone might forget you ,but Do you hope that so as c# /c语言 用符号可以代替if语句的语法怎么写来着?if(a>b)m= ;esle m= ;好像就这个意思,用符号m=a>b?.好像是这么写然后什么就忘了 Take the second turning on the right and you'll see it.的问句A.How I can get to the station?B.Which is the way to the station? 音标的教学怎样才能教好呢? a library with five thousand books is given to a country school as a gift 翻译 句子中的过去分词作什么成分?English is a language spoken all around the world.如果构成被动语态,那a language 作什么成分? 帮忙分析一下这个过去分词在句中做什么成分Right-wing Israeli politicians and columnists delight in regaling the Israeli public with fearsome details of Egypt's military program,which they see as aimed at us困惑:按照they see it have a look的中文 有关与挫折的名言 Go____(cross)the street and you will find my new schooi Take the ____(one)turning on your right怎么填? word 只搜索4位数字貌似我用[0,9]{4}写得不太对,我只要四位的数字 不要5位以上的可是这样写进去五位的数字也搜索了 Each boy and girl------given a gift on Christmas Day. A.is B.are C.were D.was我知道是选单数,不明白时态应该怎么确定? 一道趣味英语题.难死了 He laughs best____laughs last. ANNE FRANK怎么样 荷兰Anne Frank Huis当中Huis怎么发音,是house的意思吗?为什么字典里查不到请教对于Huis单词的理解,是荷兰语么?法语里似乎也有这个词 但是意思不同 安妮日记 THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK怎么样 安妮的日记 ANNE FRANK THE WHOLE STORY怎么样 词性转换scientists can hardly give scienticfic__(explain)on how trees communicate with each other最好能说一下原因 Greeting each other的中文意思,greeting这里的词性是什么 词性转换scientists can hardly give scientific __(explain)on how terrs communicate wieh each other最好能说一下原因 each other是词组吗? every 与each的区别是什么 用通配符在word中查找一段由任意数字和字母组成的文字,具体问题补充怎样使用一句通配符查找一段由0-9和a-z任意数字字母组成的文字,字数不固定例如:7f39f8317fbdb1988ef4c628eba02591 人生的开关举几个平凡点的例子啊~快~在线等答案!急!~ 根据下面的条件写出数量间相等的关系式⒈男生的人数比女生的3倍少2人.⒉红花的多数是黄花的3倍.⒊鸡蛋和鸭蛋的重量一共90千克.⒋前5小时比后3小时多行18千米. 根据下面的条件,写出数量间的相等关系式1.六一班女生人数相当于男生人数的三分之二.2.小明买来4副乒乓球拍和12个乒乓球.共付128元.3.参加合唱队的女生人数比男生人数的2倍多7个人.4.两根 根据条件写数量关系式1.一天水管已经修了3/5.( )乘3/5=( )2.一堆煤用去的是剩下的2/3.( )乘2/3=( )在问一个:11/15乘3和3乘11/15的意义不同,但结果相同.这句话对吗? 根据条件,写数量关系式.1.公鸡只数是母鸡只数的40%.()×40%=()()×(1+40%)=()2.甲的速度比乙快20%.()×20%=()()×(1+20%)=()3.今年产量比去年下降10%.()×10%=()()×(1-10% 我与朋友间的友谊的作文大概500字 Every new day is a gift.That's why we call it present.这句话的中文翻译· 英语翻译Yesterday is history ,Tomorrow is a mystory and Today is a gift :that is why is call it "The Present