
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 13:23:59
It's so hard to kill the guy in the the room是修饰the guy,还是作为kill的地点状语?还是两者都有可能?也就是,这句话的意思是 1 很难做掉房间里的那个男孩 还是2 在房间里做掉那个男孩可不容易 It's hard to keep the room___with two B.clean C.cleaned clean leisure have leisure time汉语意思 与 leisure time job相对的是啥如题 ace in the hole有什么典故?what does 'in the hole'mean? Ace In The Hole 歌词 Blind Justice中文歌词94镜音唱的 地震后的废墟怎么处理啊那么多的垃圾,怎么处理,放到哪里啊,还有海啸产生的淤泥,都放到哪里啊 There was _____ of complete silence when he broke the news.选项:a、hoursb、secondsc、an instantd、three minutes ______had he had time to see the city when the war broke out and he had to leaveA,as soon as B,no sooner C,hardly D,no longerhardly 答案是hardly,为何no longer不可以?句首有两个had ,那个是谓语动词? how to start to talk to a stronger? I wonder how to start(how I start) my lessons.正确答案是how to start ,不定式可以,为什么宾语从句how I start不对呢?求大师解答(☆_☆)要期末考试了( ̄▽ ̄) 《逃亡乐队》是什么内容,就是在讲些什么 求Crash Time 4 - The Syndicate(撞击时刻4)解锁方法 今天刚玩上,但觉得获取新车的时间太长了,有什么办法解锁车辆和新地图呢?谢谢!有解锁后的存档也行(直接发给我吧)! Not so long ago,they would be proud to proclaim that they only knew English.请教一下这句为什么用would 句型,还有not so long ago 为什么比 once upon a time 更加适合 All the injured in the disaster are believed ---to be treated---in time.这是哪个固定句式呢?忘了 visit dead city 5 怎么用英语拼写意大利? the teacher's office is on the one floor 哪里错了? Copy phone,Cheap phones for Kintech - Chinese mobile phone Supplier?Copy phone,Cheap phones for Kintech - Chinese mobile phone SupplierCopy phone,Cheap phones,hiphone,Iphone wholesale,Wholesale electronicsOnline wholesale electronics,Copy phone,Cheap Some mobile phones can m___5,000 phone numbers A soldier must do dis duty Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,but anyone can start today and make a new ending! start year of is often the making resolutistart year of is often the making resolutions for the time a(连词成句) 下面的英语单词怎么连成句子?have,we,things,fun,term,next,of,some 英语翻译英译中、、、 eminem 3 A.M.中文歌词 英语翻译manners,adaptability,knowledge of languages and a head for figures.The most important of all the qualities is a real liking for people and a warm desire to help them.In addition ,Front Office staff should be receptive to and address guest 急三个虫读什么?用五笔怎么打? 请问阿姆的soldier(士兵)这首歌想表达的主题是什么?大家不要弄错了,是那首一开始不停唱I’m a soldier,i’m a soldier,i’m a soldier,i’m a soldier...貌似是在讽刺点什么, 三个牛用五笔怎么打,或怎么读?