
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 06:34:57
she argued -----her best friend. 月有阴晴圆缺,花有盛放残飞?什么意思 look,she's my best friend alice.哪路神仙帮帮忙look,she's my best friend alice.what does she do?of course,she is a student.her mother is an actress,her father is an actor.they go to work by bus every day.her brother jeff is an engineer,he goes 英语 英语 (8 21:3:28) 3.You mustn’t be late for class.(改为祈使句)                  late for class.4.Hu Yulan is a driver.(提问)What   &# 黄山迎客松是不是已经死了? She is Alice who is my best friend.这句话对吗? Alice is an ( ) girl,she like to stay with her friends and tel jokes 中文翻成译英语如果这世界有一百个人爱你,那里面一定有我;如果有十个人爱你,那里面也有我;如果有一个人爱你,那个人就是我! 问1句英语怎么说我不能带给你幸福!但是我会尽力让你幸福! Linda is my best friend .She often helps me ___ my home work .A with B doing C does D with doing 请帮我把中文翻成英文很高兴收到你的邮件,我在邮件中没有看到sample sheets附件内容,请再发一次, Alice is my friend.She____A.is never tells a lie B.never tells a lie C.never tell a lie D.is never tell a lie 妈妈给了我们无尽的爱 用英语怎么说 我对你无尽的爱英语怎么说? 关于几句英语怎么说我是一名基层民警,经常会碰到外国人,我需要检查他的身份的时候不知道该怎么说,麻烦各位大虾帮忙翻译下,内容大概是:“我是警察,需要核查你的护照和身份证件”,大 美丽的神话 你是我美丽的神话,英语怎么说 峨眉山用英语怎么说 峨眉山十景用英语怎么说?圣积晚钟,萝峰晴云,灵岩叠翠,双桥清音,白水秋风,洪椿小雨,大坪霁雪,九老仙府,象池月夜,金顶祥光 She didn‘t want to be my best friend anymore为什么用did she got really angry with me and said she did not want to be my best friend anymore的句子成分是什么 i want to find a people who is interested in English! i hope he or she will be my best friend! As your friend,I just want to say:you have to understand,she does not like you,so the best way is Giving up.的意思 she got really mad at me and said she didn't want to be my best friend anymore.got really mad at me 能否改成is really mad at me .还有一个问题,he said to Lenny,“How is your sister now?”改间接引语 这几句用英语怎么说1.你往后边站一点.2.你往前边一点.3.你往左边一点.4.你往右边一点.5.你挡我路了.请口语化的,不要语法正确,但实际没人用的句子。呵呵 这几句英语怎么说?1.我只是陪她来的2.东西在我这儿 3.那就算了4.我觉得我应该差不多弄明白了 这几句英语怎么说啊?最新消息怎么说?姚明在今天的比赛中受了很重的伤,估计很久不能比赛.这句怎么说啊? 这几句用英语怎么说?内容如下:虽然在政治上,印度和中国有一定的分歧,但我相信,对于文化方面的爱,可以超越这些隔阂.在印度人们对宗教很虔诚,生活的方式也很传统.虽然这样的生活是比较 这几句英语怎么说 急用 [我希望以后能有一个属于自己的服装店 哪怕很小][我喜欢咖啡色][非常喜欢国外明星的街拍 尤其昰:XXX][我欣赏欧洲风格的建筑当然澳洲的也不错] [我喜欢简单复古 英语翻译Interviewer:Who is your best friend,Holly?Holly:Pete.Interviewer:Why is he a good friend?Holly:Because he likes to do the same things as I do.He's popular,too,and he's good at sports.Interviewer:Are you good at sports,too?Holly:Well,I lik holly's best friend likes to do the same things as she does翻译 双子座的我,起什么英文名比较好?性格、活泼开朗,淘气可爱、古灵精怪!