
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 11:32:53
速求六年级下册英语PEP版竞赛练习题!要六年级下册的英语PEP版竞赛练习题,不要网站链接,要比较难的,就是特长生那种的,我要特长生比赛了,需要做些难的练习,帮我找一些难的练习题,辛苦各 《假期计划》英语作文 I got my best g___ when I left school.--He has passed the exam.--How l____ he is .I got my best g___ when I left school--He has passed the exam.--How l____ he is . 1.(When I got to school),I realized I had left my backpack at home 对括号里的提问_____ ___ you _________ you had left your backpack at home?2.Chinese people invented the abacus in the sixth century改为被动语态 火灾的采访记录怎么写?要写谁说什么. (1)灵便 灵活 便利 方便 灵巧 (2)愉快 高兴 快乐 快活 开心 两组词中意思相近的一组词语是() 面试时英语怎么测试?前辈们能介绍一下三门面试时,对英语除了看四六级证书外,现场测试英语水平是怎么进行的吗? 英语测试,一、 单选题1.The project _____ by the end of 1998.A、had been completedB、had completedC、has been completedD、has completed2.Tom and Mary are going to _____ married when they return from abroad.A、makeB、takeC、getD、ha 英语中什么情况下不使用Be动词说清楚一点 陈述句变反问句时,反问词难道是加句首还是加在肯定词或否定词前面 I really want to get mad ,want to get angry,but I have no choice是什么意思 请问什么是不定式和双宾语 即可以带不定式也可以省略不定式的动词有哪些 英语翻译I can't compliment u too long.Long enough to get u to like me that is. The little boy didn' t know______. A which hat isThe little boy didn' t know______.A which hat is his. B which hat his isC which hat was his. D which hat his was 英语中 一个句子能有几个动词?(这个句子没有从句 之类 的 句子) The little boy did not know ____.A.which hat was his B.which hat he was 请问选哪个,说明理由,再疑问句中为何要用陈述句语序,而本题不是,两者有何区别? 英语句子中只能有一个动词的含义?是不是主句从句动词一个里边有一个,BE动词不算英语句子中一个动词吗?那这个句子有几个啊?He talks loudly and fast ,and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited.这 Which hat was his是陈述语气吗 为什么在The little boy did not know which hat was his.句子中是不用颠倒? 英语中,一个句中可以有两个动词吗(没有从句) 麻烦帮我取个英文名,用中国普通话语音英文发音接近拼写.我叫吴 长峰 麻烦帮我取个英文名,可以用中国普通话语音英文发音接近拼写.我叫吴 长峰 Taking Opera to the Heights and Down to Earth这句话怎么翻译比较好 急用啊 急初二反义疑问句tom had supper yesterdayshe had to get there earlymary can't ride a bikethere is some milk in the glassthere were few students in the roomit is a little late there will be no rain tomorrowmy father never went to Xi’annothing 初二反义疑问句我就想问题下、什么时候后面加doesn‘t hasn't isn't can't must'n 把话说得简单点、就是说明有什么标志性的单词.I didn't think he was happy,was he?为什么加的是was而不是did 瑶;女生;1991年10月7日出生;喜欢弹钢琴;听音乐;看童话故事;爱幻想~喜欢阿依莲女装;喜欢林依晨. 本人女,急需英文名字,又不知道哪些比较好.希望可以是另类一点的,请大家把自己的,朋友的,或则见过的,听过的英文名都写一下,让我更好的参考一下,0 get down to 的中文意思是什么? get down to 的意思是什么谁能告诉我呢并告之用法、例句,谢谢 The rain seems to have set --- for the evening A)in B)with C)about D)down he didn't konw which room()a.they livedb.they lived in 形容很勉强的笑用什么词形容俩字形容词!!!