
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 05:40:33
请发挥你的想象力,帮我造一下句子学会宽容,宽容是容纳大树小草的田野,是________,是________,是________,是________.很多年前,人们就发出了“理解万岁”的呼唤.理解是心灵相通的灵犀,是________,是_ 夏天来了( )[发挥想象力,把句子补充完整】还有秋天和冬天! 英语翻译if bad you can't get rid of it too early.答案的翻译是:书可以比作邻居,如果是好的,相处愈久愈好;如果是坏的,分手愈早愈好。 How long does it last?Can love be measured by the hours in a day?怎么翻译 英语翻译 do you show that you are h____ to see your friend? you must be excited to be in a new house 请讲解一下excited to do 谢谢 表示回忆,纪念的四字词语求大神帮助 表示拿的四字词语,有四个就够谢谢了,不一定有“拿”字 Y《我的四季》中“扶犁耕作”和“不毛之地”的象征 在生命的春天里,作者面对自己的不毛之地是怎样做的 形容奋勇前进的四字词语有哪些 英语翻译这是什么结构,是倒装吗,Should the amount exceed that figure,payment by letter of credit will be required.3,4楼的回答也很好,希望回答我的其他问题, 英语翻译怎么翻译:Payment shall be made in US dollars and shall be effected by an irrevocable letter of credit at 90 days after Bill of Lading Date The payment is to be made by TT to account.TT是什么汇款方式啊 How to Edit Payment amount in payment proposal byHi EverybodyWhen I create a proposal using automatic payment program it only allows to block the selected invoice from payment but does not allow partial payment by changing the amount.Is there any way payment by t/t.full amount paid against the presentation of china-B/L I feel hot. I feel so hot 歌词 How long does a jacket like this last me?last me? how long does this spell last? However,this usually does not last for long.翻译 韧性饼干和酥性饼干分别指什么意思?二者怎么区别? 苏打饼干是酥性饼干还是韧性饼干 想了解一下常州中华恐龙园的营业时间,听说下午16点过后门票便宜,但是可以玩到几点,知道的请说一下, 英语翻译I could feel a hot one taking me down For a moment,I could feel the force Fainted to the point of tears And you were holding on to make a point What's the point?I'm but a clean man,stable and alone man Make it so I won't have to try The f No one can empathy feel What presents do you______on your birthday?A,get B,make C,do D,give 改错:I feel hot,can I have a sweater? I feel hot,can I have a sweater?改错! What do you want get on your birthday? I Can Feel A Hot One 英文歌词