
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:49:00
写有关于月饼介绍的英语作文!(要初初中左右水平.)包涵下面内容答案paragraph1:1.what is mooncake?2.when can you eat it?paragraph2:1.who do people eat mooncakes with?2.how do people usually eat mooncake?paragraph3:1.what is the 定语从句的结构The boy who is under the 我国能恢复行使香港、澳门主权的根本原因:A新中国已成为独立的主权国家B国家统一是中华民族的共同愿望C改革开放使中国综合国力大大增强D“一国两制”构想被有关各方接受 2008年和2009年彗星出现的时间越多越好 最近出现彗星2009年7月19日(或是前后,记不太清了)晚上10点50左右,在湖南桃江板溪夜空出现了像彗星一样的东西,肉眼能看得很清楚,大概是自西南向东北飞行,前端有一个“核心体”,很亮,像 物理响度的大小与什么有关 重金帮忙写两篇开放英语作文第一篇:change in life.关键词:There have been many changes in my life/be better off/preserved pickles cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat/getting around第二篇:How to Keep Healthy关键 孤独用英文怎么表示用英文单词 谁可以写给我两篇英语作文呀!三篇作文,《我的爱好》,《我的暑假》,《我的好朋友》三选二,每一篇不少于8句话! _____ begin at 7:30 in the morning.A.Classes B.Lessons C.Class D.School I'm a____ I can't go with you today结合首字母提示完成单词.请 感激不尽 请问——I'm sorry I can't go with you—— Haven't you agreed?A.How's that B.What is it C.Why don't you D.What do you think I am a_____I can't go with you.首字母填空. Can I go with you?Sure.______________.补充完整 _____ i finish my homework now?no,you needn't.a.must b.may c.can d.need怎办?谁教教我? 填空 ___(must)l___(finish)my homework now?---- NO,you needn't. Must I finish my homework tonight?--No,you___A.mustn't B.needn't to C.don't have to D.don't need “” Tonight,I must finish my homework,struggle! 物理响度的大小与什么有关 英语翻译 英语翻译 寂寞寂寞就好英文寂寞寂寞就好 英文歌词 谢啦Hebe(田馥甄) - 寂寞寂寞就好 歌词:还是原来那个我 不过撂掉几公升泪所以变瘦对着镜子我承诺 迟早我会换这张脸应对笑容不算什么 爱错就 寂寞寂寞就好 寂寞寂寞就好英文意思? 定语从句结构?还有谁相当于谁?例子. 强调结构与定语从句Colud it have been on her birthday ___ her parents gave her this dv at present?A.then B.that C.when D.that's why但为什么不能填when,从而构成定语从句?为什么不能填when,从而构成定语从句? — Mom ,must I finish my homework now?—No,you________.You may have supper first.A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t 连词成句:can go us with you ? movies,you,to,me,the,can,with,go连词成句这是问句 on a school trip,I,go,with,agree,you,if you,can连词成句 can to you with the clinic go me(?)连词成句,开头该放什么? will you( )finish you homework this evening.a.can b.have to do c.be able to d.are able to