lead to that...这么说语法对么?that 前面不是不能加介词吗?.还是说把lead to当成动词词组.that前面可以加动词词组吧?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:56:50

lead to that...这么说语法对么?that 前面不是不能加介词吗?.还是说把lead to当成动词词组.that前面可以加动词词组吧?
lead to that...这么说语法对么?
that 前面不是不能加介词吗?.还是说把lead to当成动词词组.that前面可以加动词词组吧?

lead to that...这么说语法对么?that 前面不是不能加介词吗?.还是说把lead to当成动词词组.that前面可以加动词词组吧?
How can it lead to that situation?

应该是不对的。lead to 导致……

lead to that ,对的
知道是对的, 就可以了
甚麽 that 前面不是不能加介词吗?。。。
甚麽 还是说把lead to当成动词词组
这些死套语法, 只有越套越乱
come to that situation
go to that extent

lead to that...这么说语法对么?that 前面不是不能加介词吗?.还是说把lead to当成动词词组.that前面可以加动词词组吧? I was listening to that.为什么要这么说呢? the sout of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite请问lead to /heads rolling/跟executive suite 的意思跟为什么要这么用? 及物动词短语(如lead to等)都没有被动语态吗?语法书上说lead to没有被动语态,所以我想问一下,是所有的及物动词短语都没有被动语态,还是个别的几个没有 lead to the date lead us to the conclusion that. LEAD的用法?lead to 怎么样说更通顺?Notice that john never apologies to Grace,whichis one of the factors,which lead to the conflict afterwards.notice一定要放在前面,怎么改? teacher to lead class go to the beach这句话语法有问题么么哒~ With china entry's to WTO,we are facing a opportunity,---------that will lead to our prosperity-------上填THE ONE 还是 ONE 不是翻译 THE ONE 也能引导定丛吗?语法里规定? I wonder __B____ you would like to come to my birthday party.A.that B.whether C.that if D .that whether 为什么A不行呢 还是说没有wonder that这种搭配还有一题they lead a busy life in college为什么lead不用过去式呢 thank you for you to tell me that.能这么说么? 这么说对不It occured to me that i haven't done my homework some people believe that heavily relying on technologies will lead to the less creative ability on human beings.这句话语法有错么?为什么要用heavily relying呢? 动词 单复数Some people think that police officers carring firearms leads to more violence in society.请问这里的lead为什么要用三人称单数?是不是错了还是什么语法规则? I was ____ to the conclusion that eating too much fat can ____ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A.led,lead B.leading,lead to C.leading,lead D.led,lead to请说明理由 The road ___ that foot of the mountain 为什么要填leads to,为什么要填lead to,后面不是有that吗?我认为应填lead lead to do 还是lead do