take over 和 hand over...to有什么区别?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:04:42

take over 和 hand over...to有什么区别?
take over 和 hand over...to有什么区别?

take over 和 hand over...to有什么区别?
take over 更偏向于把什么东西带到另一个地方,转移,接受接管的意思
而hand over to则偏向于移交,交给,付给的意思.仔细体会一下,应该可以辨别出两者的细致区别~
Can we take that one over there?我们可以坐到那边的那张桌子去么?或者说我们可以坐换到那张桌子去么?(人转移过去了,或者接管了那张桌子)
Hand sb over to police把某人移交,交付给了警察

take over & hand over 是“交接”的意思

两个词都可以翻译成移交,但take over是接受,hand over...to是交出

take over是接任,接管的意思,比如接管某个集团
而hand over...to是把什么东西交出,移交

take over 接管
hand over ... to 把什么东西移交给某人

take over
1 To begin to have control of or responsibility for sth. , espacially in place of sb. else 接替;接任;接管;接手
2 To gain control of a political party , a country , etc. 控制;接管(国家,政党等)
3 T...


take over
1 To begin to have control of or responsibility for sth. , espacially in place of sb. else 接替;接任;接管;接手
2 To gain control of a political party , a country , etc. 控制;接管(国家,政党等)
3 To become bigger or more important than sth. else ; to repalce sth. 占上风;取而代之
hand over
1 To give sb. else your position or power or the responsibility for sth. 把(权力或责任)移交给某人
2 To give sth. or sb. officially or formally to another person 把某事物或某人正式交给某人
