猜猜下面句子说的是什么动物1.It lives in water with a soft body covered by a hard shell and it has a long life 2.It has a long body and people are always afraid of it 3.It is a small animal with pockets in its cheeks for storing food.Peop

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:01:14

猜猜下面句子说的是什么动物1.It lives in water with a soft body covered by a hard shell and it has a long life 2.It has a long body and people are always afraid of it 3.It is a small animal with pockets in its cheeks for storing food.Peop
1.It lives in water with a soft body covered by a hard shell and it has a long life
2.It has a long body and people are always afraid of it
3.It is a small animal with pockets in its cheeks for storing food.People like to keep it as a pet

猜猜下面句子说的是什么动物1.It lives in water with a soft body covered by a hard shell and it has a long life 2.It has a long body and people are always afraid of it 3.It is a small animal with pockets in its cheeks for storing food.Peop
1.tortoise 乌龟
2.snake 蛇
3.mussel 蚌





猜猜下面句子说的是什么动物1.It lives in water with a soft body covered by a hard shell and it has a long life 2.It has a long body and people are always afraid of it 3.It is a small animal with pockets in its cheeks for storing food.Peop 猜猜下面这些句子说的都是什么动物1.It is small animal with long ears and red eyes.Grass and carrots are its favorite food.2.It is a small animal with soft fur and sharp teeth.People always keep it as pet to catch mice and rats.3.It is 小班主题猜猜是什么动物教案反思 猜猜是什么动物 答对了一定采纳 猜猜是什么动物 答对了一定采纳 大家猜猜下面图是什么成语 修改下面的英语句子Our Chinese teacher,Mr Li always says it's useful. 用英语描述一种动物,让大家猜猜是什么动物 皮较硬的动物 猜猜猜猜 猜猜是什么字:表里如一,果断有力.猜猜是什么成语:双手赞成,动物做标本? 猜猜是什么字 表里不一 果断有力 猜猜是什么成语 双手赞同 动物做样本 请看下面的句子:Who is knocking at the door?I think (it) is Li Lei.为什么要用it? 下面的英语题答案是什么?(你能猜出下面说的是哪五种动物吗?)马上开学了,这道题那么难,一定来看看啊:(一定有人觉得简单)1.It has got black and white stripes.It can run very fast.2.It likes to eat meat.It ro 趣味语文;猜猜下面是什么字?普通话是什么字 猜猜是什么 猜猜,是什么, 成长动物快的动物猜猜猜猜 猜猜这是什么动物,第一个答对秒给好评.