homogeneity of variance是什么意思

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homogeneity of variance是什么意思
homogeneity of variance是什么意思

homogeneity of variance是什么意思
英文:homogeneity of variance

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homogeneity of variance是什么意思 homogeneity test of variance是什么意思 homogeneity test是什么意思 relative homogeneity是什么意思 英语翻译Geophysics is the measurement of contrasts in the physical properties of materials beneath the surface of the earth and the attempt to deduce the nature and distribution of the materials responsible for these ovservation.For example,varia 英语翻译Dried allium powders can be tested for evidence of added sulfite without preparation but quantitative precision will be improved if powders are finely ground to improve homogeneity (see Statistics section). 英语翻译大家帮忙看看这几句英文的错误 谢谢了This test samples expand to 15 in each group.The data meet the test of normality by test of normality and homogeneity of variance test.However,the dates of histochemistry of the lung tis spss结果分析ANOVA道德行为总分 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.Between Groups 3.000 1 3.000 11.250 .007Within Groups 2.667 10 .267 Total 5.667 11 Test of Homogeneity of Variances道德行为总分 Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig..000 英语翻译4.Assumptions of surface homogeneity and isotropy are adopted in this work [15,16].In order to compute the cross-PSD between both profiles a semi-analytical methodology is developed,that approach is explained in [17] where the dynamic beh 1.The persistence of bacteria throughout evolutionary time is due to their genetic homogeneity (i.e.,sameness).2.They divide by binary fission,without mitosis or meiosis.3.Genetic variation in bacteria is not known to occur,nor should it occur,becaus 英语翻译这个句子本身是个对话,大意是讲两个人在谈论一个图表。我节选了其中两句A:Sure.If you promise to let me tell you what I found.B:No problem.Anyway,look at this graph here.On the X axis I have the dependent varia of of Of of of of of .