英语翻译越短越好 老是要抄20遍 还要一篇越短越好的完形填空 带翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:47:35

英语翻译越短越好 老是要抄20遍 还要一篇越短越好的完形填空 带翻译
越短越好 老是要抄20遍
还要一篇越短越好的完形填空 带翻译

英语翻译越短越好 老是要抄20遍 还要一篇越短越好的完形填空 带翻译
In the jungle(丛林)of Africa,there livesa family of monkeys.
There is a Mama Monkey and a Papa Monkey,and they have a young daughter named Hannah.The monkey faily live very happily ,swinging and playing in the trees.But it isn't all play.Papa Monkey has to make sure their home is warm and safe.Mama is responsible(负责的)
for the sewing(缝纫)and cooking of the family's meals.Hannah helps with the cleaning,but her main job is is to collect all the bananas and other fruit for the monkey family's meals.
1.There are( )monkeys in the family and they live( )in the jungle of Africa.
2.( )must keep their home warm and safe.
3.Mama sews and( )for the family.
4.The daughter does the cleaning and collects( )for their meals
1.There are(three )monkeys in the family and they live(happily )in the jungle of Africa.
2.(Papa Monkey )must keep their home warm and safe.
3.Mama sews and( cooks )for the family.
4.The daughter does the cleaning and collects( bananas and other fruit)for their meals.

英语翻译越短越好 老是要抄20遍 还要一篇越短越好的完形填空 带翻译 英语翻译:你要么完成作业要么抄20遍. 陈涉世家,桃花源记,与朱元思书,捕蛇者说,岳阳楼记,醉翁亭记,这几篇古文预习一遍要多长时间?四篇古文抄一遍,翻译一遍.还要抄作者简介(大概4排).要多长时间.快开学了= = 英语翻译用中文翻译一遍,再用英文翻译一遍. 为什么现在的父母 思想那么脑残我作文不好 我妈就让我买作文书看 买作文书看 重复20遍 我艹 字写的不好 还要抄一百遍我爸更是 TMD 居然说 看书每天至少要连续看8小时 现在的书呆子是不 暑假作业还有好多没做怎么办还有18天,我就做完了一本英语练习册,数学还没做到一半,还有100道数学不等式,还要抄5遍生物书,3遍地理书,3遍历史书,语文文言文翻译,英语听写所有单词,抄英语 怎样快速抄完20遍英语对话 抄僧伽吒经是不是要抄6遍?不必知道意思? 唔,牛津小学英语6a第二课和第三课怎么背?唔,老师被不掉.求快速背掉的解决方法.要不然我们又要抄6遍啊!A/B/C字错了,是‘老是!’ 16个写10遍,课文抄1遍要多久 英语翻译也可以说是重复一遍 英语翻译请用大白话翻译一遍. 我班的语文老师作业巨多,烦死了!怎么治一治她?比如:有一篇课文,都背下来了,还要抄,都抄10遍了 老师暑假罚抄作业伤不起,老师这个暑假前一说完作业 全是班主任布置的:语文的古诗填空,十道题只有5道题作对了,就要抄一本书要背的课文一百遍,英语没及格的抄书100遍,我只是语文要抄!你 有什么方法能提高抄书速度?我是抄物理考卷,大概2小时一遍 annotated bibliography 的内容是否是把摘要变相抄了一遍再加上点评论? 知米背单词学了一遍,需不需要抄下来课后复习? 我还要上补习班,怎么办!一本英语练习册,数学练习册,科学练习册,语文练习册.数学和科学老师还给了一堆试卷,英语老师还好心送我一本练习册让我把完型和作文全部做好.还要抄10遍语文文言