There are red,pink and yellow flowers in the garden这句话中用不用and

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:55:14

There are red,pink and yellow flowers in the garden这句话中用不用and
There are red,pink and yellow flowers in the garden这句话中用不用and

There are red,pink and yellow flowers in the garden这句话中用不用and

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要,red flower、pink flower和yellow flower是3个独立的并列成分,就好像汉语一样,当有多个并列成分时,就要在最后两个并列成分中加“和”,当然英语就是加“and”了


There are red,pink and yellow flowers in the garden这句话中用不用and her books are pink, I'm fine thanks, his pens are blue, My bag isher books are pink, I'm fine thanks, his pens are blue, My bag is red,%D%A对pink, I'm fine, blue, red提问 If you are healthy ,you are in the __ A pink B red C blue 选哪个?要说明理由 in the garden ( )flowers are pink,( )are red b.ones...othersc.some...others d.some...the others they are black,red and pink.i like the pink 【】 very much A、dresses B、it C、one选择恰当的答案填入括号里. My shoes are red ,but his ________ pink . A fat pig is sleeping 还有 There are three pink peA fat pig is sleeping还有There are three pink peaches on thegreen tree A fat pig is sleeping 还有 There are three pink peA fat pig is sleeping还有There are three pink peaches on thegreen tree都什么意思 求一篇英语的回信Dear Wang Weii'm writing this letter to tell you about my new home.We have a new house .In front of the house there is a beautiful garden.There are many flowers in it.They are red yellow pink and white.Behind the house there a A fat pig is sleeping There are three pink peachA fat pig is sleepingThere are three pink peaches on thegreen tree 英语翻译Those whose mothers are still living often wear a pink or red rose or carnation,while those whose mothers are dead wear a white one ( ) is he?He's Kim.A What B Who C How What colour ( ) the flower?Red and pink A are B is C am There are four ____________ on the floor .[ ]A.pair of red shoes B.pairs of red shoe C.pairs of red shoes D.pair of red shoe Look at the flowers!They are in different colors;red,yellow,pink. There are red balls改为同义句 a pink There are ____in the shop?A.many nice short new red Chinese coatsB many nice new red short Chinese coatsC many short new Chinese red nice coats Look!There are lots of ________ birds flying over the trees.A.funny red little B.funny little redC.little funny red D.little red funny