consult 和consultant的区别

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consult 和consultant的区别
consult 和consultant的区别

consult 和consultant的区别
consult 是动词
vt.& vi.商议,商量
They consulted long,but could not decide.
vt.请教,咨询; 找(医生)诊治
He consulted the workers to understand the technical process.
He is a consultant on law affairs to the mayor.
There're many consultants in hospital.

首先是词性上的不同:consult为动词,而consultant是名词;其次是词义:A consultant is an experienced doctor with a high position, who specializes in one area of medicine. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use specialist)专科医生;A consul...


首先是词性上的不同:consult为动词,而consultant是名词;其次是词义:A consultant is an experienced doctor with a high position, who specializes in one area of medicine. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use specialist)专科医生;A consultant is a person who gives expert advice to a person or organization on a particular subject.咨询师;而consult作为动词只具有咨询和请教的意思,和consultant的第一个意思专科医生并没有太大的关系!


consult 是一个动词,意思为商量,咨询,询问。
consultant 一个名词,凡是你去被你consult的人,就叫consultant,顾问。

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