请帮我看看这句话中的AS的用法Food is not brought unless especially asked for by the host as,for example,at a potluck dinner.这句话里的AS做的是什么成分,起什么作用,该怎么翻译呢,这种用法常见吗?能不能举例说

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:59:08

请帮我看看这句话中的AS的用法Food is not brought unless especially asked for by the host as,for example,at a potluck dinner.这句话里的AS做的是什么成分,起什么作用,该怎么翻译呢,这种用法常见吗?能不能举例说
Food is not brought unless especially asked for by the host as,for example,at a potluck dinner.

请帮我看看这句话中的AS的用法Food is not brought unless especially asked for by the host as,for example,at a potluck dinner.这句话里的AS做的是什么成分,起什么作用,该怎么翻译呢,这种用法常见吗?能不能举例说
When the host especially asked for (it) as food,then food is brought; for example,at a potluck dinner.


Food is not brought unless especially asked for by the host as [if it were at at potluck dinner].
这里的 as 和 for example 要连起来用, 有虚拟的含义, 当如果,假设讲, 当作为讲是不确切的。

请帮我看看这句话中的AS的用法Food is not brought unless especially asked for by the host as,for example,at a potluck dinner.这句话里的AS做的是什么成分,起什么作用,该怎么翻译呢,这种用法常见吗?能不能举例说 帮我看看这是 as 的哪个用法啦We hope that the measures to control prices,as taken by the government,will succeed.as是什么用法 怎么翻译这句话.. I want a girlfriend and make love with him everyday 这句话的用法对吗?请帮我看看~不知道是不是该用him英文不太好 请帮我看看这句话我写的对吗?which are seasons you like best? 请帮我看看这句话有错吗my idol is Michael Jordan and I dream one day I could play basketball as good as him. 请懂阿拉伯语的朋友帮我看看这句话什么意思? 修改病句 茅屋里传出的歌声看看健康请帮我看看这句话错在哪理? 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译这句话.并解释as的意思和其它用法.Don't eat snacks too close to meal times as this discourages you from eating your main meals 请帮我看看这句话错在哪 In my opinion,I think students should not date as it can affect their studies.不需要改这个句子的句式 就请告诉我原句中错误的地方就好了谢谢 帮我看看这句话通吗 ?中国教育催生了不可这个变态的扼杀青春和梦想的附属品 这句话催生 这个用法没问题。 帮我看看这句话中哪个是主句,那个是从句这是一个由AS引导的定语从句:As is known to everybody,the moon travels around the sun .这句话中主语是什么,主句是什么,从句是什么,帮我分析一下句中的成分. 帮我看看这句话出自哪里的 英语翻译请帮我看看这句话有没有语病,以及翻译这句话 请帮我看看这句话的翻译吧,感谢!~Surprises now will have the purpose to provoke the use of new opportunities for development above all as a person. 帮我看看这句话有无语病 谁帮我看看这句话是什么 请帮我看看, I have bought that house from which I can enjoy the beautiful scene of Yangpu Bridge.请帮我解释一下from which在这句话中的用法?还有which前加介词的用法.