求恩施大峡谷英文介绍 ,最好是双语的

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求恩施大峡谷英文介绍 ,最好是双语的
求恩施大峡谷英文介绍 ,最好是双语的

求恩施大峡谷英文介绍 ,最好是双语的
  “八百里清江,每一寸都是风景.极具开发价值的恩施大峡谷如不向世界推介,绝对是一大遗憾.”张良皋说,这里的峡谷山峰险峻,山头高昂,有仰天长啸之浩气;谷底的清江水质清幽,令人有脱胎换骨之感受.沐抚大、小龙门6 平方千米的范围内就有200米以上的独立山峰30余座;静水清江,虹桥卧波、青山倒影,让人产生海市蜃楼的幻觉;沿清江乘船顺流而下,云雾缭绕,白鹤翩跹,情景交融,仿佛置身于浩缈悠远的世外天地之间.
  Enshi general situation of the grand canyon
  Praised by experts and the United States to the grand canyon in the two points of hubei enshi grand canyon located in the Yangtze river three gorges qingjiang river near the southwest of hubei enshi tujia and miao autonomous prefecture enshi \"BaoXiang and BanQiaoZhen territory in tuen mun, is the grand canyon in a long qingjiang river. The canyon 108 km, with a total area of more than 300 square kilometers (square miles). The cliffs in the valley, cubits the waterfall, screaming peak, proud alone primeval forest, the ancient village, and other attractions is amazing. Natural scenic area is mainly by the river Bian scenery, former mountain cliffs, medium, board of longmen peak forest little, LongQiao river, the river DeFeng, HouShan yunlong alone, the rain cliffs, longshan peak toward the east rock cliffs, copper pot of water forest park, tun clear rivers gallery etc.
  Huazhong university of science and technology of the famous buildings and tourism experts ZhangLiangGao professor on-the-spot investigation that contrast, enshi grand canyon is one of the world's most beautiful grand canyon, \"even if it was inconceivable also typically\". And the United States of the grand canyon in a spectacular, the grand canyon and difficult points of qingjiang river '; If of the beautiful scenery, the rich, the level of the landscape diversity, the grand canyon of the stroke segment enshi bathing is far better than the grand canyon. And it is home to ba cultures, humane flavor, and the grand canyon in only a few Indian people live.
  \"In eight hundred, every inch of qingjiang river is the scenery. Most of the development value of enshi to promote the world such as the grand canyon, the absolute is a big regret.\" ZhangLiangGao said, here's steep mountain valley, high mountains, long face upwards of HaoQi; The bottom of qingjiang river water quality peaceful, a person have the feeling changed forever. Mu caresses big, little dragon gate 6 square km within the scope of the 200 meters of above more than 30 independent mountain block; Static qingjiang river water, hongqiao lie wave, castle peak of reflection, let a person produce a mirage of illusion; Along qingjiang take a boat trip down the river, the clouds wind, vain crane, scene blend, as if place oneself YuHao they pass from distant between heaven and earth.
  Enshi grand canyon have five wonders:
  So the grand canyon of the magnificent grand open enshi space, landscape rich administrative levels, mountain change multiterminal, deep qingjiang river valley, with five different from the mountains wonders:
  One is the qingjiang river rose white clouds. Most famous mountains and sea of clouds appear idle disorder different is, 'in the grand canyon touch from rising qingjiang river cloud walrus a take-off of dragons, twists and turns to extend inside, form plump, beautiful.
  2 it is a precipice ring peak plexus. Karst landscape is the general case is a unique without the peak plexus, the peak plexus without a precipice, mu caresses the grand canyon both not only, and the area is large, high grade. Have all around a precipice sag of CongFeng in, also have all around like a precipice prominent bullying frame in CongFeng based. The world is not yet found similar wonders.
  Three is LianDong group of bridge. The cave is canyon in the community and characteristics. According to not complete count, the grand canyon along more than 200 caves have size. If the cloud (hot hole, a rock formation apart two the mouth of the cave, and a hole the hot air, a hole out the cold wind, heat and cold, blend smoky; And the hole hall can accommodate tens of thousands of people; More overpass matching, water day photograph come, the character set each other off, like a fairyland.
  Four is DeFeng meet waterfalls. The grand canyon of enshi in the 7.5 km DeFeng yunlong river, the most up to 75 m, DeFeng peak around, multicolored, tall ancient trees stand lush, green bubbling stream, especially DeFeng on both sides of the article number one stream, impressive and expanded.
  Five is DeFeng match well (tiankeng and DeFeng interlinked). After 10 years in the law in the investigation recently announced that LongQiao fengjie river to the grand canyon of enshi underground river is 50 km, for most of the world. Only the vertical shaft above river, has 108, similar to a famous xinjiang KanErJing, very spectacular and rare.