请教一段英文的翻译,看不懂啥意思,求指教,谢谢!这是儿童经典著作“彼得 潘”的开始篇节,但是这段就是看不懂,不知道在说啥,求翻译,谢谢! Mrs Darling was married in white, and at first she kept the books

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:46:51

请教一段英文的翻译,看不懂啥意思,求指教,谢谢!这是儿童经典著作“彼得 潘”的开始篇节,但是这段就是看不懂,不知道在说啥,求翻译,谢谢! Mrs Darling was married in white, and at first she kept the books
这是儿童经典著作“彼得 潘”的开始篇节,但是这段就是看不懂,不知道在说啥,求翻译,谢谢!

Mrs Darling was married in white, and at first she kept the books perfectly, almost gleefully, as if it were a game, not so much as a brussell sprout was missing; but by and by whole cauliflowers dropped out, and instead of them there were pictures of babies without faces. She drew them when she should have been totting up. They were Mrs Darling's guesses.

Wendy came first, then John, then Michael. (注:这三个是Mrs Darling的孩子)

请教一段英文的翻译,看不懂啥意思,求指教,谢谢!这是儿童经典著作“彼得 潘”的开始篇节,但是这段就是看不懂,不知道在说啥,求翻译,谢谢! Mrs Darling was married in white, and at first she kept the books

请教一段英文的翻译,看不懂啥意思,求指教,谢谢!这是儿童经典著作“彼得 潘”的开始篇节,但是这段就是看不懂,不知道在说啥,求翻译,谢谢! Mrs Darling was married in white, and at first she kept the books 这题真的看不懂,求指教. 请教英文高手一段英文的意思?Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves. ?——Tagore 这句话什么意思?本人英文不好、多谢指教! 英语翻译别人给我的一段藏文,看不懂,求翻译! 看不懂 求指教 英语翻译没下汉化版的,看不懂英文,求翻译, 求翻译理解,谢!请教解释这个写作的具体要求,我看不懂,谢谢了! 英语翻译用一个全英文的软件,到了最后根本看不懂什么意思,求翻译T T 可看不懂图上画的是什么意思,求高人指教. 英语翻译英文 老师手写 看不懂 求翻译 最底下的 methods 是我注释上的 主要是 倒数第二个词 是啥么意思 看不懂一个短语自学的时候看到一个短语험한 고개고개好像是指头哦~搞不清楚是啥意思,麻烦各位指教指教 求懂英文的大神指教 作弊的英文求大师指教 求翻译一段英文,不要软件翻 英语翻译- ..- -.-.- :-.-- --- ..- 应该是一段英文!求翻译! 求翻译这一段英文,今天收到的= =有道翻译出来的看不懂,百度翻译的也看不懂,能不能翻译成我所能理解的?AM TOURE IBRAHIM, STAFF OF A BANK IN BURKINA FASO .INDICATE YOUR INTEREST TO RECEIVE THE TRANSFER OF US$15 MILL 我是做机票的 这个是查询退票费的 但是英文看不懂 百度翻译里的也看不懂 所以请教各位高手帮我翻译一下ORIGINATING CHINA - NOTE - 1. CANCELLATION/ NO-SHOW/ UPGRADING A. REFUND 对DSP的.float指令的一段英文解释看不懂,求翻译.float and .bfloat calculate the single-precision 32-bit IEEE floating-pointrepresentation of a single floating-point value and store it in two consecutivewords in the current section.