仿写一段话,就是他们做了什么,没有做什么,内容如下~Woman:Hmmm . That was … umm … not bad . Now tell me a little about yourselves . What was your name again?Boy 1:Apple Ice Cream . Woman:Apple Ice Cream?That's uhhh … a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:06:53

仿写一段话,就是他们做了什么,没有做什么,内容如下~Woman:Hmmm . That was … umm … not bad . Now tell me a little about yourselves . What was your name again?Boy 1:Apple Ice Cream . Woman:Apple Ice Cream?That's uhhh … a
Woman:Hmmm . That was … umm … not bad . Now tell me a little about yourselves . What was your name again?
Boy 1:Apple Ice Cream .
Woman:Apple Ice Cream?That's uhhh … a nice name . Hong long have you been together?
Boy 1:About a year .
Woman:One year,huh?And have you written any original songs yet?
Boy 2:Yes,we have . We used to play stuff by other bands,but now we only play our own songs . That one you just heard was ours .
Woman:Good,great!I'm interested in people who play their own music . Have you ever won an award of any kind?
Boy 1:Yes,we have . We won the best new group of the year last month .
Woman:Wow . That's great . Have you made a music video yet?
Boy 1:No,not yet .
Woman:But you've had your own concert?
Boy 2:Oh,yeah . We've had six concerts of our own .
Woman:Have you ever been on TV?
Boy 1:No,we haven't . But we've already talked to "Bands on Parade" about doing a TV show next month .
Woman:Sounds like you guys are on your way .

仿写一段话,就是他们做了什么,没有做什么,内容如下~Woman:Hmmm . That was … umm … not bad . Now tell me a little about yourselves . What was your name again?Boy 1:Apple Ice Cream . Woman:Apple Ice Cream?That's uhhh … a

仿写一段话,就是他们做了什么,没有做什么,内容如下~Woman:Hmmm . That was … umm … not bad . Now tell me a little about yourselves . What was your name again?Boy 1:Apple Ice Cream . Woman:Apple Ice Cream?That's uhhh … a 用英语写一段话,描述John发烧,Tom陪同他去看医生,他们都做了什么?心情如何? 后来他们做了什么用英语怎么写 金色花的仿写我能为家人做什么 读了《匆匆》这篇短文后,联系自己的实际,说说你自己在逝去的日子里做了什么,以后准备做什么写一段话! 续写一段松鼠在家里还做了什么事情?模仿课文写一篇作文 再见了亲人课文写了哪些亲人?他们为志愿军做了什么? enunciation和pronunciation有什么不同,怎么翻译?就是上面的问题就是上面的问题,我们每个人做了一段英语讲话,事后他让我们对这两方面进行评价,在我看来他们都是再说发音准确性,如果您 咋做,仿写 用“这里没有`````````也没有`````````有的就是``````````的句式,仿写一段话(必须是景物) 仿纪念白求恩写一段话文章运用对比手法来写,在纪念白求恩时批评了“不少的人”,批评了一班“见异思迁”和“鄙薄技术工作”的人.如果今天重写《纪念白求恩》,你觉得可以做些什么对比 英语翻译昨天他没有看.4.上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了.5.他什么时候出生的?1980年. 仿牛仔布是用什么做的 英语翻译上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。英语翻译 英文翻译上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了.怎么翻译成英语! 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了.用英语怎么说 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了.(翻译)